Dr. George Ibrahim and Biltmore Restorative Medicine & Aesthetics offer the ultimate hormone replacement services and aesthetic treatments in Western North Carolina. BRM is a state-of-the-art facility that utilizes cutting-edge technology to provide superior care and superb results. Our ultimate goal is to treat your entire well-being – helping you feel, look, and love better every day.
We believe that you should always look and feel amazing.
We believe that getting older doesn’t mean slowing down.
We believe in sexiness and vitality at any age.
We believe in confidence at every age.
We believe that you deserve the most effective and proven treatments.
We believe that your health and vitality should be a partnership.
We believe that you should seek your medical care from a physician who has been specially trained in the discipline of restorative medicine.
Dr. George K. Ibrahim – Biltmore Restorative Medicine
Dr. George Ibrahim, author of “Sailing Through Menopause Without Losing a Rudder,” is a a graduate of Duke University’s School of Medicine and Davidson College. He is a board-certified Urologist and has completed a fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine.
He has decades of experience in both women’s health and men’s health. His practice, Biltmore Restorative Medicine, is perfect for individuals seeking treatments to defy aging and improve vitality.
Here’s a little more from Dr. Ibrahim:
“Ten years ago I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Rather than put patients at risk, I retired as a surgeon. My love of medicine and helping others stayed with me throughout my time away from the operating room.
I opened our anti-aging and sexual wellness center in Asheville early 2013. My goal was simple; to be the most highly trained, experienced physician practicing hormone optimization, period. The practice later added state of the art, physician-led aesthetic services as our patients demanded them.
Because of my extensive experience, I am able to help my clients beyond typical hormone replacement therapy. I am an educator-speaking on the dangers of menopause, andropause, and how hormone optimization is the most natural and safest way to lower risks of cardiac disease, Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, and many other ailments. I work with patients looking for a physician-supported weight loss program by using hormones in a way that optimizes workouts and energy levels.
I’ve diagnosed prostate cancer in a number of patients who would have otherwise gone completely undetected, or where detection could have been delayed by years. My background allows me to detect symptoms in men, sending them directly to a practicing urologist who can confirm the diagnosis and take swift measures to treat this devastating cancer before it can cause harm.
We also offer tailored hormone treatment to women with mild to moderate stress urinary incontinence. We perform a procedure in the office, under local anesthesia, using the body’s own growth factors. This procedure has helped patients see significant improvement, if not cessation, of their incontinence.
In 2015, to honor our mission of offering our clients a complete restorative experience, we re-branded the practice to become Biltmore Restorative Medicine and Aesthetics.
Our approach at Biltmore Restorative Medicine & Aesthetics looks at the patient as a whole. We don’t focus on just one specific part of the body or disease, but rather take a comprehensive approach in our evaluations.
Our services are equivalent only to those offered in larger metropolitan areas like Charlotte and Atlanta.
We can’t wait to help you feel like YOU again!
Menopause is a naturally occurring event that happens to women as they age. It marks the end of a women’s reproductive life and, at times, can mark the beginning of a number of health problems such as inconsistent cycles, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, uncomfortable sex, headaches, memory loss, difficulty sleeping, loss of bladder control, heart palpitations, dizziness, and weight gain.
This book is intended to help women transition through perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. Sailing Through Menopause will help you understand what causes menopausal symptoms and what you can do to minimize or alleviate the troublesome conditions associated with your journey through menopause.
Dr. George Ibrahim is a medical doctor specifically trained in Hormone Therapy. He is a board-certified Urologist and has completed a fellowship in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine. He is a graduate of Duke University’s School of Medicine and Davidson College. He has decades of experience in both women’s health and men’s health. His practice, Biltmore Restorative Medicine, is perfect for individuals seeking treatments to defy aging and improve vitality.
Dr. Ibrahim’s Curriculum Vitae
Chief of Urology, 07/1995-06/2006
Division of Urology, Department of Surgery
Asheville Veterans Administration Medical Center
Asheville, NC
Assistant Consulting Professor of Surgery, 07/1995-06/2006
Duke University School of Medicine
Asheville HealthspanMD, PLLC
Founder and owner
Biltmore Restorative Medicine and Aesthetics, PLLC
Founder and owner
07/2015-present (currently active)
Episcopal High School, 08/1988-05/1980
John’s Award Scholar
Alexandria, VA
Davidson College, Davidson, NC
B.S. in pre-medicine, 08/1980-05/1984
Magna Cum Laude
Phi Beta Kappa
Alpha Epsilon Delta, National Premedical Honor Society
Phi Eta Sigma, National Freshman Honor Society
Duke University School of Medicine
M.D. conferred 08/1984-12/1987
Master of Business Administration, MBA, 07/2009-05/2012
Moore School Of Business
University of South Carolina
House Officer, 07/1988-06/1991
Duke University School of Medicine
Resident in Urology, 07/1991-06/1995
Division of Urology, Duke University School of Medicine
Diplomat of the American Board of Urology, 1997, Candidate Number 1764
Fellow, American Academy of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine
North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners, Number 39184
Menopause Association
Advisory Board
American Urological Association
North American Society of Sexual Medicine
National Menopause Society
Asheville-Buncombe County Medical Society
Member Executive Committee 1999-2003
Boy Scouts of America
Troop 22, Smithfield, NC
Rank of Eagle Scout
Order of the Arrow National Honor Society
George K. Ibrahim, MD
Biltmore Restorative Medicine and Aesthetics, PLLC
08/1985 to 12/1987 – Duke University School of Medicine
01/1988 to 07/1988 – High School Substitute Teacher Durham Academy
07/1988 to 06/1991 – House Office, Duke University General Surgery
07/1991 to 06/1995 – Resident in Urologic Surgery Duke University
07/1995 to 06/2006 – Chief, Division of Urology, Asheville VA Medical Center
07/2006 to 06/2009 – Ibrahim Management, Inc, CEO/President, healthcare consulting corporation
07/2009 to 05/2012 – Moore School of Business, MBA conferred
06/2012 to 06/2015 – Asheville HealthspanMD, PLLC owner/physician
07/2015 to PRESENT – Biltmore Restorative Medicine and Aesthetics, PLLC owner/physician
Regulate the Driving Part of Drinking Age, George K. Ibrahim. The Wall Street Journal, Opinion Section, September 22, 2008.
Assessment of Myocardial Mass in Chronic Aortic Insufficiency Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging, R. Dayne Davis, Greg P. Fontana, David W. Molter, George K. Ibrahim, Richard H. Herfkens, James E. Lowe. Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 11: 157A, 1988.
Differential Immunoreactivity of HER-2/Neu Oncoprotein in Prostatic Tissues, George K. Ibrahim, James A. MacDonald, Billie-Jo M. Kerns, Stacey N. Ibrahim, Peter A. Humphrey, Cary N. Robertson. Surgical Oncology, 1: 151-155, 1992.
Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Prostate by Polymerase Chain Reaction and in situ hybridization, George K. Ibrahim, Patti, F. Gravitt, Stacey N. Ibrahim, Ola Melhus, Joseph A. Chimera, Steven M. Anderson, Cary N. Robertson. Journal of Urology, 148: 1822-1826, 1992.
Differential Immunoreactivity of HER -2 /Neu Oncoprotein in Benign, Dysplastic, and Malignant Prostatic Tissues, George K. Ibrahim, James A. MacDonald, Billie-Jo M. Kerns, Peter A. Humphrey, Cary N. Robertson. Proceedings of the American Association for Cancer Research, 1992.
Differential Immunoreactivity of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Benign, Dysplastic, and Malignant Prostatic Tissues, George K. Ibrahim, Billie-Jo M. Kerns, James A. MacDonald, Stacey N. Ibrahim, Robert B. Kinney, Peter A. Humphrey, Cary N. Robertson. Journal of Urology, 149: 170 – 173, 1993.
Localization of Tenascin in the Human Prostate (Abstract), Stacey. N. Ibrahim, Joseph Ventimagala, Valerie Lightner, George K. Ibrahim, Phil Walther, Peter Humphrey. Modern Pathology, (Jan. 1992) Vol.5, No 1, p.54A.
Localization of Tenascin in the Human Prostate, S. N. Ibrahim, J. Ventimagala, V. Lightner, G. K. Ibrahim, P. Walther, and P. Humphrey. Human Pathology, 24: 982-989, 1993.
Outcomes of Surgical Therapy for Clinically Localized Prostatic Adenocarcinoma: Caucasians and Afro-Americans, Ibrahim, G. K., Coetzee, L. J. and Paulson, D. F. Journal of Urology part 2, 153: 504A, abstract 1101, 1995.
Investigation of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Prostate Tissues. George K. Ibrahim, Stacey N. Ibrahim, Ola Melhus, Kathleen L. Dittrich, Cary N. Robertson. Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association Meeting, 1991.
Impact of Initial Therapy Selection on Clinical Outcome in Idiopathic Retroperitoneal Fibrosis. George K. Ibrahim, Cary N. Robertson. Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association Meeting, 1991.
Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Prostate by Polymerase Chain Reaction and in situ hybridization. Patti E. Gravitt, George K. Ibrahim, Cary N. Robertson, Stacey N. Ibrahim, Ola Melhus, Joseph A. Chimera, Steven M. Anderson. Papillomavirus Workshop, Seattle, Washington, 1991.
Detection of Human Papillomavirus DNA in Prostate by Polymerase Chain Reaction and in situ hybridization. Cary N. Robertson, George K. Ibrahim, Patricia Gravitt, Stacey N. Ibrahim, Ola Melhus, J. Chimera, Steven Anderson. Congress of the Societe International d’Urologie, Seville, Spain, 1991.
Differential Expression of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Benign, Dysplastic, and Malignant Prostatic Tissues. George K. Ibrahim, Billie- Jo M. Kerns, James A. MacDonald, Peter A. Humphrey, Cary N. Robertson. American Association for Cancer Research and the European Association For Cancer Research, Santa Margherita, Italy, 1991.
Differential Immunoreactivity of HER- 2 /Neu Oncoprotein in Benign, Dysplastic, and Malignant Prostatic Tissues. George K. Ibrahim, James A. MacDonald, Billie-Jo M. Kerns, Peter A. Humphrey, Cary N. Robertson. Eighty-third annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research, 1992.
Differential Content of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Prostate. George K. Ibrahim James A. MacDonald, Billie-Jo M. Kerns, Peter A. Humphrey, Cary N. Robertson. Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association Meeting, 1992. Montague-Boyd Essay Contest Finalist.
Differential Content of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Prostate. George K. Ibrahim, James A. MacDonald, Billie-Jo M. Kerns, Peter A. Humphrey, Cary N. Robertson. American Urological Association Meeting, 1992.
Image Analysis of DNA Ploidy Status, Cell Proliferation, and Gleason Grade in Prostatic Carcinoma. George K. Ibrahim, Billie-Jo M. Kerns, Stacey N. Ibrahim, Robert B. Kinney, Cary N. Robertson. Western Section of the American Urological Association, 1992.
Localization of Tenascin in the Human Prostate. Stacey N. Ibrahim, Joseph Ventimagala, Valerie Lightner, George K. Ibrahim, Phil Walther, Peter. Humphrey. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 81St Annual Meeting, 1992.
Microvascular Density in Prostate Cancer: Relationship to DNA Ploidy, Ki-67 Proliferation Index, Gleason Grade and Pathologic Stage. Stacey N. Ibrahim, Chris Amling, George K. Ibrahim, Pat R. Jordan, Cary N. Robertson, Robin T. Vollmer. United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology, 82nd Annual Meeting, 1993.
Image Analysis of DNA Ploidy and Ki-67 Proliferation Index in Prostate Cancer: Correlation to Tumor Volume, Invasiveness and Gleason Grade. Chris. L. Amling, George K. Ibrahim, Stacey N. Ibrahim, Robert B. Kinney, Richard K. Dodge and Cary. N. Robertson. American Urological Association Meeting, 1993.
Transferrin and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptors in Benign and Malignant Prostate Tissue: Relationship to DNA Ploidy, Proliferation Index and Gleason Grade. Cary. N. Robertson, Chris. L. Amling, Stacey. N. Ibrahim, George K. Ibrahim, Richard K. Dodge and K. M. Robertson. American Urological Association Meeting, 1993.
Microvessel Counts in Prostatic Carcinoma: Correlation to DNA Ploidy, Ki-67 Proliferation Index, Gleason Grade and Pathologic Stage. Chris Amling, Stacey N. Ibrahim, George K. Ibrahim, Pat R. Jordan, Robin T. Vollmer and Cary N. Robertson, Southeastern Section of the American Urological Association Meeting, 1993.
Microvessel Counts in Prostatic Carcinoma: Correlation to DNA Ploidy, Ki-67 Proliferation index, Gleason Grade and Pathologic Stage. Chris Amling, Stacey N. Ibrahim, George K. Ibrahim, Pat R. Jordan, Robin T. Vollmer and Cary N. Robertson, American Urological Association Meeting, 1993.
- Age Spots - Skin Discoloration
- Bladder Leakage
- Fatigue
- Hair Loss
- Hot Flashes
- Inability to Orgasm
- Incontinence
- Insomnia
- Lichen Sclerosus
- Loss of Facial Volume
- Loss of Libido
- Migraines and Headaches
- Night Sweats
- Painful Intercourse - Dyspareunia
- Sagging Skin
- Stress Urinary Incontinence
- Unsightly Veins
- Vaginal Dryness
- Vaginal Laxity
- Weight Gain
- Cash
- Credit Cards
- Financing Available
- Body Contouring
- Facial and Skin Care
- Hormone Replacement Therapy
- Juliet
- Laser Vaginal Rejuvenation
- O-Shot®
- Peptides
- Platelet-Rich Plasma Therapy
- Skin Care
- Supplements

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