Articles and Information From Certified Members

woman wearing jeans with urinary incontinence

About Stress Urinary Incontinence

I’m Dr. George Ibrahim, and I’m going to explain a little bit about what stress urinary incontinence is, what causes it and touch on what can be done about it. Urologists specialize in urinary problems in both men and women. As a Duke trained urologist

a mom, daughter and grandmom jumping on couch

Vaginal Sling and Mesh for Treating Incontinence

Vaginal Sling and Mesh for Treating Incontinence I’d like to discuss a topic that you don’t hear about that often, but is extremely common amongst women. Urinary Continence Induced Bladder Leakage Bladder leakage caused by stress urinary incontinence affects millions of women in the US.

News Sourced From Around The Globe

Benefits Of Maca To Menopausal Women Maca Plant
Staff Writer

Benefits Of Maca To Menopausal Women

Maca herb is a natural supplement rich in nutrients that can help manage the various symptoms associated with menopause. Everybody wants to live a balanced

How Does Menopausal Fatigue Feel
Staff Writer

Top 10 Vitamins For Menopause Fatigue

If you’ve been feeling more exhausted and unmotivated thoroughly, fatigue is a common symptom of menopause. While some women experience mild fatigue, others experience severe

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