Day: August 2, 2020

What Can You Expect Through Perimenopause and Post-Menopause Life?

A woman experiences so many changes as she matures, from going through puberty and starting her period, to getting pregnant and finally entering the pre-and post-menopause phase. The bathroom cupboard will have seen it all, from teen pads to organic tampons, maternity pads and more, women’s bodies evolve over time.  Starting the menopause might seem Read more…

Pregnancy, breastfeeding may lower risk of early menopause, NIH-funded study suggests

Women who breastfed their infants exclusively for seven to 12 months may have a significantly lower risk of early menopause than their peers who breastfed their infants for less than a month, according to an analysis funded by the National Institutes of Health. The study also suggests that pregnancy can reduce the risk of early Read more…