Day: July 15, 2022

How Eating Your Greens Improve Menopausal Symptoms

Menopause is a woman’s life phase where her menstrual cycle becomes non-existent, and giving birth becomes impossible. This phase comes naturally and begins immediately when a woman’s period ceases for 12 consecutive months. The transition into menopause could last several years. This period is known as perimenopause. Unfortunately, with menopause comes some undesirable symptoms. As Read more…

Top 24 Menopause Myths and the Real Truth

Like any other phenomenon, menopause is often linked to misconceptions and fictitious beliefs that tend to exaggerate what it entails. In modern society, menopause myths have spread so much that many women today do not even understand how menopause works anymore. They believe and practice what should not be practiced, which can negatively affect their Read more…

10 Ways Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

Almost all of us will experience puffy eyes at some point. So you’re not alone if you wake up to see puffy eyes staring back at you in the bathroom mirror. They’re common and can be challenging to address due to the wide range of possible causes. Because our eyes are the first thing people Read more…