Day: July 20, 2022

Top Foods To Avoid During Menopause and Why

Top Foods To Avoid During Menopause and Why Top Foods To Avoid During Menopause and Why Fast Food

Are you a woman who is gradually approaching menopause? Or perhaps it could be that you are also in menopause. Unfortunately, many women often consider menopause the stage of womanhood where all the negative changes. Hot flashes, irritability, weight gain, and mood swings—put together, make menopause a dreaded phase of every woman’s life. With this […]

Climate Change and Its Potential Impact on Menopausal Hot Flashes

Climate Change and Its Potential Impact on Menopausal Hot Flashes Climate Change and Its Potential Impact on Menopausal Hot Flashes

Hot flashes experienced by women before and during menopause may not be as violent and life-threatening as global warming. Still, there is certainly a relationship between them. Climate change does not cause hot flashes, but it plays a part in the intensity or otherwise of the condition. There has been a lot of talk about […]

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