Day: August 7, 2022

How Menopausal Women Can Increase Beneficial Testosterone

How Menopausal Women Can Increase Beneficial Testosterone How Menopausal Women Can Increase Beneficial Testosterone

When people hear the word “testosterone,” the mind often drifts to masculinity and everything relating to men. Many people (mostly men) do not know that the testosterone hormone is also found in the body of women. Generally, people with penises tend to possess larger amounts of T-hormones. For women, T-hormones are found in lesser quantities. […]

Memory Loss And Menopause – Everything You Need To Know

Memory Loss And Menopause – Everything You Need To Know 20 Tips That Will Help Every Woman Ease Menopausal Symptoms Managing Menopause

Memory loss is the unusual forgetfulness of events for some time. Memory loss is often caused by brain injury, heavy consumption of alcohol or drugs, tiredness or the lack of sleep, illnesses, aging, or a significant transition in the body like menopause. You read that right – menopause. Many of us know the symptoms of […]

Menopause and Osteoporosis: Everything You Need to Know

Menopause and Osteoporosis: Everything You Need to Know Menopause and Osteoporosis Everything You Need to Know

Osteoporosis is a common symptom of aging; every living person will experience osteoporosis as they grow older. However, menopause acts as a catalyst for osteoporosis in women. When your natural menstrual cycle ends, your bones lose their density and can fracture easily. Naturally, you start losing bone density from age 35. That is why professional […]

How to Reduce Cardiovascular Health Risk During Menopause

How to Reduce Cardiovascular Health Risk During Menopause How to Reduce Cardiovascular Health Risk During Menopause

Defining the link between menopause and cardiovascular disease. Since time immemorial, menopausal symptoms have made menopause difficult for many women. On getting to menopause, the body is often plagued with the problem of fluctuating hormones. During menopause, the ovaries lose their functionality, and as the main producers of estrogen, these sex hormones experience alarming reductions. […]

20 Tips That Will Help Every Woman Ease Menopausal Symptoms

20 Tips That Will Help Every Woman Ease Menopausal Symptoms 20 Tips That Will Help Every Woman Ease Menopausal Symptoms manage your menopause

Menopausal symptoms can be very hectic and difficult to handle. Today, more women are going into menopause, and the symptoms aren’t going away. In the United States, about 50 million women are already in menopause. Of these 50 million women, about 5 million aren’t even up to 52. It simply means that 5 million of […]

Sugar And Menopause – Why You Should Reduce Sugar Intake

Sugar And Menopause – Why You Should Reduce Sugar Intake Top 10 Reasons Why Menopausal Women Should Reduce Sugar Intake

Menopause is a delicate phase of every woman’s life. During menopause, the body goes through a series of changes capable of altering your lifestyle and outlook on life. Besides the inability to bear children, menopause comes with symptoms capable of making this compulsory phase difficult for women. When these symptoms appear, how we react to […]

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