Day: August 11, 2022

Homeopathic Medicine for Treating Menopause

Homeopathic Medicine for Treating Menopause Homeopathic Medicine for Treating Menopause

Homeopathy is an unproven, unorthodox, or pseudoscientific alternative medicine where practitioners (homeopaths) believe that substances causing diseases in healthy people can help sick people experiencing similar symptoms. Homeopathy operates with the concept of “like cures like.” In today’s society, people have sought solutions to problems related to their health, and homeopathy has become very popular […]

Does Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Work For Menopause

Does Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Work For Menopause Why Menopausal women take Hormone Replacement Therapy

Your body is a complex structure with many components working together to ensure optimal survival. Of these components, hormones help to coordinate specific functions and activities in the body. You can envision hormones as a conductor in an orchestra. In a standard orchestra, you find strings, keyboards, brass, woodwinds, and percussion. When all these components […]

High Blood Pressure in Menopausal Women – Causes and Remedy

High Blood Pressure in Menopausal Women – Causes and Remedy High Blood Pressure in Menopausal Women - Causes and Remedy

Millions of people worldwide suffer from hypertension, one of the most common chronic disorders for men and women over 50. It is the most prevalent risk factor for developing heart disease. The number of women who suffer from hypertension significantly rises in postmenopausal age. There are a lot of mechanisms that affect this, from oxidative […]

How Naturopathic Medicine Can Help In Menopause

How Naturopathic Medicine Can Help In Menopause How Naturopathic Medicine Can Help In Menopause

Menopause comes with symptoms that could be very discomforting to menopausal women. While you can manage many menopausal symptoms, many women still suffer from them today. More treatment and management options are now available to make menopause endurable and hitch-free for menopausal women worldwide. From hormone therapy to supplementation and lifestyle changes, elites in the […]

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