Day: September 16, 2022

9 Foods that Fight Hot Flashes

Ovarian failure during menopause doesn’t only cause termination in childbearing ability. With ovarian failure, a typical woman becomes vulnerable to various complications that can sometimes be fatal. While menopause is not regarded as a disease, its symptoms have made many women see it as one. Generally, hot flashes are the most common symptoms experienced during Read more…

7 Natural Menopause Treatments that Work

Menopause is the stage that signifies an end to your fertile years. Women usually start menopause in their mid-40s or early 50s. During these years, women pass through the perimenopause stage, characterized by discomfort and painful symptoms. Menopause is not a medical condition but a biological process women pass through at mid ages. However, it Read more…

How Husbands Can Support their Menopausal Wives

As a husband to a menopausal woman, it’s somewhat understandable that you might be completely out of your depth with a partner undergoing menopause. Menopause may seem to you as an undesirable development that cannot be influenced and might even trigger your withdrawal from your partner. However, husbands must remember that women undergoing menopausal transitions Read more…