Day: December 6, 2019

Opinion | What if We Didn’t Dread Menopause? – The New York Times

Menopause wasn’t the only syndrome that preoccupied European physicians in this “early modern” era; others included hysterical suffocation, nymphomania, chlorosis or “green sickness,” and melancholia. Menopause clearly belongs to this group in its origin, nature and development. But it’s the only one still accepted by physicians today — the others linger only as ghosts in Read more…

About Stress Urinary Incontinence

I’m Dr. George Ibrahim, and I’m going to explain a little bit about what stress urinary incontinence is, what causes it and touch on what can be done about it. Urologists specialize in urinary problems in both men and women. As a Duke trained urologist and associate clinical professor, I’ve been treating this problem and Read more…

Vaginal Sling and Mesh for Treating Incontinence

Vaginal Sling and Mesh for Treating Incontinence I’d like to discuss a topic that you don’t hear about that often, but is extremely common amongst women. Urinary Continence Induced Bladder Leakage Bladder leakage caused by stress urinary incontinence affects millions of women in the US.

New procedure could delay menopause up to 20 years, but long-term impact unknown – CBS News

CBS News August 6, 2019, 10:02 AM New procedure could delay menopause up to 20 years, but long-term impact unknown Procedure could delay menopause 20 years A first-of-its-kind surgical procedure could delay menopause by up to 20 years. Doctors at ProFam in Birmingham, England, have performed it on 10 British women ranging in age from Read more…