Day: April 28, 2020

Are you suffering from the ‘menopause mimic’ or the real deal? – Easy Health Options®

Are you suffering from the ‘menopause mimic’ or the real deal? – Easy Health Options®

During my late teen years, winter car rides usually meant driving with the front window down. ALL the way down. Even when it was snowing and blowing outside. I didn’t get it at the time, but my poor mother was going through menopause, and the hot flashes were killing her! People make jokes about this […]

Menopause Party: We Threw One To Celebrate | Chatelaine

Menopause Party: We Threw One To Celebrate | Chatelaine

(Photo: Getty) My friend Kathryn organizes a twice-yearly clothing swap. A few years ago she stopped, and I’ve been amassing ridiculous amounts of jeans and t-shirts since. So when I saw her email drop into my inbox, I figured it must be time for a spring swap. I almost spit out my iced tea when […]

The menopause comforter that can prevent the wars in the bedroom from boiling over

The menopause comforter that can prevent the wars in the bedroom from boiling over

My husband is curled like a little caterpillar in the thick rolls of our down comforter. & # 39; I’m so cold, & # 39; he panted. & # 39; Are you freezing? & # 39; The sweat is slippery in my neck. I feel like a steamed dumpling. & # 39; It’s stifling, & […]

Menopause help special: 10 symptoms and how to fix them naturally – Healthista

Menopause help special: 10 symptoms and how to fix them naturally – Healthista

This week, along with BBC Radio Women’s Hour, we’re focusing on menopause. Here, we bring you natural fixes that can help from menopause expert Maryon Stewart, author of new book Beat Menopause The Natural Way. Menopause is a natural part of ageing, and usually happens when a woman is between the age of 45 and 55. In […]

Old Body, New Relationship | Menopause Goddess Blog dot com

Old Body, New Relationship | Menopause Goddess Blog dot com

Transformation © lynette sheppard I am pleased to offer you this poignant essay by Sylvia Clare that underscores how we are much more than a sex object as we age – and that’s a good thing. Enjoy. Old Body, New Relationship by Sylvia Clare I am in my seventh decade though not yet half way […]

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