Day: May 20, 2020

Helpful Tips for Dryness After Hysterectomy or Menopause

Helpful Tips for Dryness After Hysterectomy or Menopause National Menopause Association

Women and their partners are often faced with vaginal dryness after a hysterectomy or after a woman is past menopause. McLeod Gynecologist Paul Chandler, MD, discusses what you can and should NOT do to help the problem: Here are key points from Dr. Chandler: When a woman has a “total hysterectomy” — where everything (uterus, […]

Hot flashes? Night sweats? Progesterone can help reduce symptoms of menopause

Hot flashes? Night sweats? Progesterone can help reduce symptoms of menopause

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Intense and frequent night sweats zapped my vitality during perimenopause, the transition to menopause. I would wake in the night feeling suddenly anxious — then a wave of heat would sweep over me — a night sweat. What I needed to keep these symptoms in check was the hormone progesterone. I […]

Menopause and Sleep: Managing your Sleep with Menopause Supplements – It’s Free At Last

Menopause and Sleep: Managing your Sleep with Menopause Supplements – It’s Free At Last

The menopause is the next stage in the life cycle for women. However, just as during puberty, hormone fluctuations can play havoc with your body, skin and overall sense of well-being. Luckily, there are plenty of menopause supplements to help make this time less daunting and more manageable. One of the most common complaints women […]

Premature menopause increases the risk of multiple health problems in your 60s

Premature menopause increases the risk of multiple health problems in your 60s

Credit: Human Reproduction Women who experience premature menopause are almost three times more likely to develop multiple, chronic medical problems in their 60s compared to women who went through the menopause at the age of 50 or 51. These are the findings from a study of 5107 women who were part of a national study […]

5 things every woman should know about menopause

5 things every woman should know about menopause

Menopause is a process when a woman’s menstrual periods stop for 12 months. It typically happens between ages 45 and 55. As women grow older, their ovaries gradually stop releasing eggs and making hormones like estrogen. Therefore, their menstrual periods grow further and eventually stop completely. After 12 months without a period, a woman can […]

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