Month: January 2021

Hot Flashes, Weight Gain, Mood Swings: Everything You Need To Know About Menopause | Balanced Living Blog

Menopause, the dreaded “M word” for many women, can be a new chapter of uncertainty in a woman’s life. It is full of stories from women who have gone through “the change.” For those who haven’t experienced it yet, it can be concerning to hear tales of hot flashes, painful sex, trouble sleeping, mood swings, Read more…

Know the Signs of Menopause

Knowing the signs of menopause and at what age they may start can help us recognize this transition and, importantly, help us find ways to control discomfort and health risks. According to the National Institutes of Health, the term menopause refers to the time when menstruation naturally stops, usually between the ages of 45 and Read more…

Menopause: Weight management and conception (2) – Punch Newspapers

Oladapo Ashiru Hormones involved in weight maintenance include the following: Oestrogen: This is the female sex hormone that is responsible for causing monthly ovulation. During menopause, your oestrogen level declines rapidly, causing your body to stop ovulating. However, oestrogen also seems to play a significant role in menopausal weight gain. As the ovaries produce less Read more…

Adipose Tissue during Menopause | Women’s International Pharmacy

The aging process is naturally accompanied by an increase in body fat, or adipose tissue. Excess adipose tissue—particularly in the abdominal area—may lead to increased inflammation in the body, resulting in a greater risk of certain diseases such as: However, this harmful increase in adipose tissue mass may be partly reversed by hormone replacement therapy Read more…