Day: September 27, 2022

15 Natural Ways To Deal With Sleep Deprivation During Menopause

Many women have insomnia and other sleep disturbances during perimenopause and, in rare cases, after menopause. Night sweats, breathing problems when sleeping, and mood swings are all symptoms of this condition. Sleep is considered the most crucial component of health. Hence sleeplessness may have devastating effects. Anxiety, irritability, exhaustion, and cognitive impairment are all symptoms Read more…

Health Benefits Of Tyrosine And Its Importance In Menopause

Tyrosine is an amino acid named phenylalanine that is converted in the body to form tyrosine, non-essential amino acid. Without tyrosine, your body can’t make the neurotransmitters adrenaline, norepinephrine, and dopamine. Neurotransmitters facilitate communication between neurons and modulate mental states. Melanin, the colorant in hair and skin, is partially produced from tyrosine. The adrenal, thyroid, Read more…

10 Ways to Naturally Boost Your Lymphatic System for Menopause

Lymph, lymph nodes, and lymphatic vessels, are different components of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a comprehensive organ system complementary to the immune and circulatory systems. The lymphatic system is connected to almost every body tissue and serves as a medium for the transportation and circulation of lymph throughout the body, just like Read more…