Benefits of Testosterone for Women in Menopause

Benefits of Testosterone for Women in Menopause

Benefits of Testosterone for Women in Menopause

Testosterone is a sex hormone that women make, but it is rarely discussed. Before menopause, a woman’s body makes three times as much testosterone as estrogen. Testosterone levels go down as a person ages or drop quickly after an oophorectomy.

Androgen deficiency has many signs and symptoms, such as depression, lack of energy, changes in sexual function (like a lower libido), cognitive impairment, vasomotor symptoms, bone loss, and weak muscles.

Menopausal women often experience a decline or complete loss of libido. You may try testosterone supplementation if hormone replacement therapy (HRT) doesn’t help a woman’s low sex drive during menopause; This is what the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence advises. According to the 2016 guidelines of the British Menopause Society, it has been suggested that this indication be expanded to include women going through menopause who have less sexual desire and feel tired.

In women, testosterone may be crucial for bone and muscle growth, mental sharpness, emotional stability, sexual desire and libido, and general energy.

You need enough testosterone to keep your muscles and bones working well and maybe even your blood vessels and brain healthy.

The amount of testosterone your body makes goes down as you get older. Whether menopause happens on its own or after an ovariectomy, testosterone levels drop by about half.

Some women with low testosterone have bothersome side effects, like not wanting to be sexual, having trouble getting aroused during sexual encounters, and not being able to reach an orgasmic climax. When you feel these things, it’s often a sign that your sexual satisfaction is declining.

Besides this, you might also experience:

  • Sad mood and headaches from sadness
  • Tiredness
  • Bald spots on the top of the head.
  • Acne and the Growth of Hair on the Face

Menopause is a natural process that can happen to anyone, even transgender men or people who don’t fit into binary gender identity.

Talk to your doctor if any of the menopause symptoms are getting in the way of your life.

Use Of Testosterone To Treat Menopause

Use Of Testosterone To Treat Menopause

During and after menopause, about 40% of women have symptoms like decreased libido and a general lack of interest in having sex. Having such strong feelings could change a person’s outlook on life in a big way.

Hormone replacement therapy can help with several menopausal symptoms, like a falling libido (HRT). As a test, your doctor may give you this medicine. If hormone replacement therapy (HRT) doesn’t work, your doctor may suggest adding testosterone to your care plan. About 6 out of 10 women with severe sexual problems find that testosterone helps, but it doesn’t work for everyone.

Impacts Of Too Little Testosterone On Menopausal Women

It’s a well-known fact that women’s bodies produce testosterone. But what happens if your testosterone levels suddenly drop dangerously low?

Testosterone’s role in regulating your body’s endocrine system is unclear. Low libido in premenopausal and postmenopausal women has been linked to low testosterone. However, this and other effects of low testosterone have not been proven.

If you have bad symptoms before, during, or after menopause, you need to understand and figure out all the possible causes before starting treatment. Hormone specialists can help you figure out what your symptoms mean and choose a treatment plan to get you healthy and full of life again.

Men with low testosterone levels are often talked about. When men don’t have enough testosterone, they may feel tired, have trouble getting sexually aroused, and go through changes in their bodies that some may find upsetting or embarrassing.

Since women also make testosterone and, like estrogen and progesterone, testosterone levels drop during menopause, it makes sense to wonder if low testosterone levels in women have the same effects.

Some of the signs that a woman has low testosterone are:

  • Low energy 

High testosterone levels are linked to feeling healthy, motivated, and full of life. Getting older or having a medical condition that lowers testosterone can make you feel more tired.

Low testosterone can make you feel tired all the time, or at least more tired than usual. Even if you get enough sleep, the effect may remain.

Even though testosterone is known as a “male sex hormone,” it is important for both men’s and women’s energy levels. Low testosterone levels can make you tired, which is why so many women come to us for help.

  • Fatigue

Fatigue is a state in which you feel tired, sleepy, exhausted, drained, or worn out for no clear reason.

You might have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep through the night or feel tired even when you get enough sleep. Women who have low testosterone often have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. For regular, restful sleep, you need to keep your hormones at a normal level.

After working for 12 hours straight or sleeping for only three hours, it’s normal to feel tired. It’s strange to feel tired after 8 hours of sleep and a few days off.

Fatigue is a common problem, and several things can cause it. But low testosterone is a common reason women feel tired, but this is often overlooked. Low testosterone can make you feel very tired, which is not good.

  • Mood swings (that can lead to depression, anxiety, etc.): 

A study showed that testosterone and other hormones play important roles in regulating mood, and imbalances can make a woman feel off-kilter on any given day.

  • Sadness that lasts for a long time and mild to moderate amount of depression

Low testosterone can cause mood swings or just a general feeling of being “low,” which is what we call low mood, even in people who are not clinically depressed.

There’s even better news for you. When depressed women started taking testosterone supplements, their moods and overall health improved.

As a last resort, many women think about taking prescription drugs to make them feel better during these hard times.

If your testosterone levels are low, you may need to see a doctor. Instead of just treating a single symptom, doctors might be able to treat the root cause, which is low hormone levels (associated negative side effects).

  • Weight gain

Women with low testosterone often gain weight, leading to even more weight gain. When more fat is in the body, there is also more estrogen, which can make testosterone levels drop even more. Once this pattern has started, it might be hard to stop it.

Women with low testosterone levels often gain weight, which they think is just a natural part of getting older.

But if you have low testosterone or an imbalance of hormones, fixing the underlying problem (with Testosterone Replacement Therapy or another hormone replacement) may help your body work better and stop the weight gain cycle.

  • Low Libido

Like in men, testosterone can make a woman less sexually interested. Some of the ways that low testosterone levels might affect a woman’s sexual life are:

  1. Less nighttime activity
  2. Fatigue
  3. Orgasmic pleasure becomes less of sexual fantasy for fewer people.
  4. Getting less pleasure from sexual activity Having less desire or interest in sexual activity
  5. Dryness of the vagina
  6. Depression

Without a doctor’s visit and blood tests, it’s very hard to figure out what’s wrong because many of these symptoms can be caused by low testosterone, low estrogen, other hormone imbalances, and many other disorders.

In a recent article in Psychology Today, doctors were told to watch out for low testosterone that could be hiding behind symptoms like depression or a lack of libido.

This study is one of many that supports the idea that women with higher levels of testosterone find more masculine traits attractive.

Another study found that a woman’s sexual life improved in every way after getting testosterone replacement therapy; This included the number of times she had sex, the strength of her erections, her pleasure during sex, her ability to masturbate, and her ability to have sexual fantasies.

Researchers used the Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) to find that women with higher levels of natural (endogenous) testosterone had more desire, arousal, lubrication, and orgasm.

Another study found that the libido of women whose testosterone levels were low was much lower than that of women whose testosterone levels were normal.

One more study found that women with hypoactive sexual desire disorder benefited from taking extra testosterone. The emotional pain that comes with having a low libido and the low libido itself improved.

When testosterone and other androgens are present, the following also have a big effect on a woman’s health:

  • Bone health, breast health, and being able to have children.
  • Sexual desire
  • Sex health and period health

How Low Sex Desire Can Cause Issues In Relationships And How To Deal With Them

Dyspareunia and Menopause - Everything You Need to Know painful sex

Most of the time, sexual intimacy is a sign of a healthy relationship. Along with a woman’s sex drive going down, her relationship health may also go down.

Your relationship could worsen if you let your worry about not wanting to do things hurt you. Your partner might think you no longer want them sexually or want to be close to them.

Low sexual desire can cause several sexual and mental health problems. One of these is Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder, which used to be called hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Low sex desire is a distressing sign of this long-term disease in women.

When it comes to problems with sexual health, female sexual interest/arousal is by far the most common. Changes in sexual desire can be hard on any relationship, so if you and your partner are experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to see a doctor to determine if HSDD is to blame. The good news is that this is an easy problem to fix.

How Husbands/Boyfriends Can Help Their Wives/Girlfriends Overcome Low Sex Drive 

Your relationship may be tested if you don’t want to have sex much. It’s normal to feel disappointed or annoyed if you can’t be as sexually and romantically adventurous as you’d like to be or as you used to be.

If you don’t want to have sex, your partner might feel rejected, which can lead to fights and arguments. Discord between a couple is a sure way to make them less sexually interested.

It might be comforting to remember that changes in sex drive are normal and unavoidable in any relationship at any age. If you can, try not to only think about sexual things. Spend your money on yourself and your partner instead.

  • Get out and take lots of walks. Sleep for a while. Give your lover a passionate goodbye kiss before you part ways. Make plans to eat out at one of your favorite places. When foreplay makes both people feel good, it’s a win-win situation.

  • Live healthy and try to get her to do the same.

After menopause, it’s important to keep your health in good shape because it affects your sexual performance. Try to: Get enough sleep, eat a healthy, well-balanced diet, stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, and other dangerous drugs, and stay active regularly.

Staying healthy together, whether through regular exercise or making healthy meals, could be an inspiration for your partner.

  • Offer to go with her to the doctor. You can also show her you care by going with her to the doctor. Your doctor is the best person to talk to about menopause, and they may suggest treatments that could help with problems like sexual dysfunction. Some women might not go to the doctor about their menopause symptoms because they feel embarrassed or ashamed.

Menopausal women should bring their partners to their doctor’s appointments; This will give the doctor a chance to figure out how the couple’s relationship might affect the woman’s symptoms and give the guy a chance to help take care of her.

When your partner goes through menopause, it’s a great sign of support to invite them to medical appointments. She might feel better about making the appointment if she has someone to go with her. You can also help by looking up the locations of relevant medical specialists. For example, you could find out if the local family planning clinic has a menopausal nurse or what services the local hospital’s obstetrics and gynecology department offers.

  • Find out about menopause and how it affects women. People close to a woman going through menopause will probably notice a lot of changes. You, as her partner, are in a great position to notice subtle changes in her mood because you know her well and spend a lot of time with her (and perhaps find yourself in the middle of a menopausal mood swing once in a while). You, not her friends or family, will be the first to know if her sexual desire or response has changed. You might feel worried and anxious as you try to figure out where you went wrong amid all these changes.

Understanding that the changes in your body and symptoms that come with menopause are normal might help you feel better. You may be able to improve your relationship with your partner if you learn to talk to them better and show more compassion. Some of the most common sexual symptoms of menopause are:

  • Dyspareunia (pain during sexual activity)
  • vaginal dryness
  •  A lower libido, and
  • Less tense and excited skin.

You shouldn’t be surprised if your partner shows these signs because menopausal women often have them. It’s also important to remember that symptoms that aren’t sexual, like hot flashes and mood swings, can affect a woman’s sexuality. A woman’s libido could go down if, for example, hot flashes make it hard for her to sleep well.

  1. Try to get her to see a doctor about the other signs of menopause. During the menopause transition, it’s important to know how your partner’s health might change and give her the care and support she needs. In particular, she may need hormone replacement therapy or another kind of t for the hot flashes that keep her from sleeping and the mood swings that make her less interested in sexually active. You could help her if you told her about her choices and helped her weigh the pros and cons of each one.

  2. Remember that menopause doesn’t happen all at once, and try to think of it as a process instead of an event. Symptoms can appear years before a woman’s menstrual cycle changes, often staying with her for years afterward. You can’t expect menopause to end quickly, so be ready to help your partner through it for as long as possible.

  3. Don’t blame her; you’re both having trouble with menopause. Since men don’t go through menopause, it can be easy to blame a partner for her short temper or lack of libido, thinking that she should do something about it. Think of the symptoms of menopause as something you and your partner are going through together, not as something your partner is to blame for. Instead of focusing on what your partner needs to change, think about what you can do to help her adjust.

  4. Ask her to share her thoughts. Psychological problems can positively affect a woman’s libido and sexuality, and talking about them can be a good way to feel better. Try talking to a woman instead of trying to read her mind to find out how she feels. Take the lead in talking to her about her transition through menopause. Don’t act like you know what she’s going through. Instead, give her your full attention by listening and showing that you care.

Asking if there is anything you can do to ease the symptoms of menopause is a great way to start talking about it. For example, you could say, “I’ve noticed that you look slightly worried. Could you let me know if everything is okay? This kind of question makes her want to say more about her symptoms. It’s a way to show that you have her back and are paying attention to what she does.

Don’t take it personally if she tries to start a conversation with her friends. People going through menopause may find it very helpful to be able to talk to and be heard by trustworthy, caring friends. The better it is for your partner during menopause, the more people are there for her.

  • During menopause, remind her how beautiful her body is. During menopause, a woman’s body size, shape, and feel often change. There’s a chance that these changes will make women feel worse about their bodies. The normal changes that happen to a woman as she ages, like gaining weight, getting wrinkles, and having skin that sags, are often mistaken for a loss of beauty.

Assuring her that the changes she’s feeling are normal and encouraging her to have a healthy body image are also great ways to help. Tell her that you still adore her body and flaws and that it will always be beautiful to you.

  • Make Her Feel Better About Herself

As with men, a woman’s sense of self-worth affects her sexuality, and a low sense of self-worth is linked to erectile dysfunction. If you want to improve your sex life during menopause, it may help you to feel better about yourself. To aid and encourage your spouse, you can:

  1. Think about the good things instead of the bad. Find the good things in her life and remind her of them when she is feeling down; Throw out any ideas you already have about how her body should look or how quickly she should age. Focus on getting results that are possible.

  2.  Think about how your culture could affect how you do in bed. The values and roles of menopausal women vary from culture to culture; This means that a woman’s experience of menopause and its symptoms may be affected by the culture in which she lives. How a woman deals with menopause and how she sees herself sexually during this time can be affected by her nutrition, lifestyle, economic status, and life expectancy.

Think about how your partner’s culture views menopause and how that might affect your sex life together. Get her to do what you do. As an example, think about the following:

  • Whether or not your society values the responsibilities of menopausal women, how it thinks about aging bodies, and how it feels about sexual activity in older adults can all affect how she goes through menopause.

  • Think about how she could make her menopause better by addressing cultural factors and what those factors might be.

  • Take comfort in the fact that menopause could make your relationship with your partner better. It’s also important to get her to think about the good things about menopause, like the end of her periods and the freedom that comes with it. Women who have a positive outlook on menopause and see it as a time of change rather than a crisis are less likely to have menopausal symptoms.

  • Try some ways to spice up your sex life. As both men and women get older, their sexual tastes will change to match their changing sexual needs. Both men and women take longer and have more trouble than others getting excited. Because of this, you might need more pre-sex before you can have any dysfunction; practice sexual methods that don’t involve penetration.

It’s important to remember that changes in your sexual life and how you act sexually are common and can even be good. Ultimately, what happens during menopause doesn’t matter as long as both partners are happy. Find creative ways to tell each other you love them to make you feel good about yourselves. There are many ways to spice up your sex life, from dildos and lubricants to sexy movies and books. For some couples, the best thing to do is to put penetrative sex on hold and instead focus on kissing and cuddling.

  • Think about how your sexual function might affect her sexual life. Low testosterone and trouble getting an erection are two of the most common sexual problems in older men. A man’s sexual function greatly affects his partner’s sexual function. In about a third of couples, a woman’s sexual dysfunction during menopause may be caused by problems with the man’s sexual function.

Think about your own sexual life and how problems like erectile dysfunction or ejaculating too soon could worsen your partner’s menopause-related sexual problems. Since men are more likely to start sexual activity, changes in their desire could have a bigger effect on their sexual activity than changes in hers. Unless his partner also starts going first, the number of times they have sex will decrease if he wants it less and does it less often. If you’re a man with sexual problems or changes, talk to your doctor about the many treatments for male sexual dysfunction.

Even if you want to start something, you might not because you’re afraid of being turned down or because you don’t want to hurt your partner. In these situations, it’s important to talk to your partner.

  1. Don’t take it personally if she has had new sexual interests since you last saw her. Men with menopausal partners may feel rejected and unwanted because their partners are less sexually aroused, don’t want to have sex as much, and have less vaginal lubrication. These changes are not up to her; changes in her hormones cause them. You shouldn’t take it personally if her sexual desires and orgasmic experiences change. Don’t assume that you’re to blame for her changing sexual feelings. If she’s going through menopause, it’s more likely that hormone changes are to blame, even if she’s happy with her relationship.

  2. Have regular sex: Vaginal elasticity usually decreases as a woman goes through menopause. Sexual stimulation may help women have the better sexual function by increasing vaginal elasticity. It should be encouraged to stay sexual with your partner. Even if she doesn’t want sex with you, she might still want to masturbate. Self-stimulation makes the cervix more flexible, so masturbation may make your sex life better.

  3. Sexual considerations: Since the brain is an important sexual organ, thinking about sex makes you want to do it more. So, you and your partner must talk about sex.

  4. Set aside quality time for your relationship. Don’t expect to have sexual experiences. Menopausal women and their partners often have busy schedules because of work, ongoing responsibilities as parents, and other things like taking care of elderly parents. When the day is over, sometimes both people are just too tired to do anything sexual.

You might want to schedule some time for cuddling and kissing to solve this problem; This could lead to some steamy scenes if you’re feeling sexual. But if her sexual symptoms are bad and she doesn’t feel like having sex, a nice meal, a moonlit walk in the park, a private picnic, or a romantic massage would be better. Spending time together in a close way is one way to show your partner that you want a close relationship, whether or not that relationship includes sexual activity.

  1. Stop comparing your patner to others: Menopause can greatly affect a couple’s sexual life, making it different from other couples’ sexual lives. In addition to changing how a woman acts sexually, menopause can also change how a woman feels about being sexual. Try not to judge your sexual experiences based on those of other couples or on what you remember from when you were younger. Because no two couples are identical, no two sets of decisions are identical. Look at your sexual life through the eyes of what you and your partner want.

  2. During perimenopause, help with birth control. A woman can still get pregnant during the peri-menopausal period when periods are irregular but still happen. Since pregnancy after menopause increases the risk of problems, such as congenital disabilities, most couples would rather wait until later to have children. To do this, You should use birth control.

You can help your spouse with birth control by, for example, reassuring her that she is still fertile, wearing condoms on your own, or doing research on different birth control options that may be good during the peri-menopause transition.

  • Watch out for STDs: After menopause, a woman is no longer able to have children, but she can still get STDs. Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) might be more common after menopause because the vagina is more likely to get hurt than before. If you have a casual relationship with a woman past menopause, you must take steps to protect yourself from getting an STD.

What Happens If A Menopausal Woman Takes Too Much Testosterone?

Female bodies quickly change testosterone and other androgens they make into female sex hormones. During puberty, boys and girls have a temporary rise in testosterone and estrogen levels that lasts until their periods’ start.

The release of these hormones helps a person’s secondary sexual traits develop. They range from having a soft voice and not having facial hair to having a loud voice and fully developed reproductive organs.

Because testosterone and other androgens work differently in women’s bodies and are quickly turned into estrogen, most women don’t take on masculine traits.

But when women make too much testosterone and other androgens, turning them into estrogen can’t keep up. So, they might go through a process called “masculinization” or “virilization,” in which they start to act more like men. Even though men and women make less testosterone as they age, keeping them healthy and sexually active is still important.

The major problems that come with excess intake of Testosterone are:

  • Hair Loss:

Women’s hair loss is usually less noticeable than men’s. Women are less likely to have thin patches than general thinning of the hair. Thin spots can happen on the head’s crown, sides, and front. You might also lose a lot of hair when you brush or wash your hair.

Studies have shown that hair loss during menopause is caused by a drop in hormone levels. Less estrogen and progesterone could be to blame. These hormones make hair grow quickly and keep it healthy. When the levels of estrogen and progesterone drop, hair growth slows down and becomes much thinner. Androgens, a hormone more common in men, are made at a higher rate when these hormones drop. Male pattern baldness is caused by androgens that shrink hair follicles. Still, these hormones can sometimes cause more hair to grow on the face; This explains why some women, after menopause, get a growth of hair on their cheeks and chins called “peach fuzz.”

  • Changes in the breasts

Exogenous testosterone can have both androgenic and indirect estrogenic effects on the breasts. The second effect may make it more likely that a woman will get breast cancer. In lab experiments, androgens stop the growth of some breast cancer cell lines and cause them to die, but not all of them. Different cell lines seem to have different-sized effects because of how many certain “regulatory” proteins are around each receptor. Even though testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone can be turned into estrogen, the activity of androgens in mouse breast cancer models is antiproliferative and promotes apoptosis.

  • Acne

Androgens and testosterone stimulate oil glands too much, which can lead to acne. Also, they can change the skin cells that line hair follicles, making them stickier and more likely to block pores.

There are tiny glands in the pores of your skin that make an oil called “sebum.” Sebum brings dead skin cells to the surface of the skin. When there is too much of it, it can block pores and cause acne to form. Since testosterone makes people make more sebum, it often makes acne worse.

What Is A Normal Amount Of Testosterone For A Woman?

Testosterone and other androgens can be found in the body through a blood test. Women usually have 15–70 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) of testosterone.

In summary, If your testosterone level is 15 ng/dL or less, it can cause:

  • Changes in breast tissue can occur
  • Having trouble getting your period or not getting it at all.
  • Osteoporosis and dryness in the vaginal area
  • Having more than 70 ng/dL of testosterone has been linked to
  • Both high blood sugar and acne are a problem.
  • problems with hair growth (especially on the face), being fertile (or not being fertile), having periods, and gaining weight
  • Syndrome Of Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS)

Testosterone Food List

Top 10 Nutrients Menopausal Women need To Balance Their T-Hormones Level

Hormones play a big role in women’s health and well-being, from their monthly cycles to PCOS, thyroid problems, premenstrual syndrome, and endometriosis. When your hormones are in balance, you’re back to being yourself. Nutrition could be a big help in finding this balance. Try these 10 meals to bring your hormones back into balance.

  • Cruciferous Veggies: 

When chopped, eaten, or cooked, veggies like cabbage make the phytochemical indole-3-carbinol. Indole-3-carbinol helps the liver work well, which is important for keeping hormones in balance because it eliminates metabolic waste and “spent” hormones.

By eating cruciferous vegetables regularly, you can clean up your hormones and keep them in check.

Broccoli, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, and radishes are all good choices.

  • Include healthy fats in your diet regularly.

Good fats are needed for hormone synthesis because they are used to make hormones and help keep inflammation in the body at a minimum. Olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil, raw, unsalted nuts or seeds, nut butter, and avocados are all great sources of healthy fat that you should eat regularly.

  • Eat vegetables in every color of the rainbow.

One of the best ways to ensure your body gets all the vitamins and minerals it needs is to eat a wide range of colorful vegetables. It would help if you ate seven to eight times daily (a portion is roughly a fist size).

  • Make sure each meal has a source of high-quality protein.

Protein makes us feel full for longer, which helps keep our blood sugar levels steady. Protein can come from either animals or plants. If you choose an animal protein, choose organic grass-fed meat to ensure it’s free of hormones.

  • Take 2 tablespoons of ground flax seeds each day.

Flaxseeds are the best food source for lignans, a type of phytoestrogen that promotes estrogen and gets rid of “spent” estrogen, keeping a healthy hormonal balance. Sprinkle them on cereal, mix them into drinks, or mix them into soups.

  • Moderately consume whole fruits.

Berries, citrus, apples, and pears are all low-sugar fruits that can help us keep our blood sugar levels in a healthy range if we eat them once or twice a day, preferably fresh and with the skin on. You should avoid dried fruit and fruit juices because they might cause a quick rise in blood sugar.

  • Use herbs and spices to add flavor to your food.

Adding a variety of herbs and spices to our meals, especially those with anti-inflammatory properties like ginger, turmeric, sumac, paprika, and garlic, can help keep our hormones balanced and ensure we get a wide range of nutrients.

  • Eat whole grains that have fiber in them.

Whole grain slow-release carbs like brown rice, buckwheat, or quinoa, about the size of your fist, can be eaten with one or two meals to ensure we get the fiber and essential B vitamins we need to keep our hormones in balance and get rid of excess hormones.

  • Consume foods that contain magnesium.

Magnesium makes the body more sensitive to insulin, which means it can use insulin better; This helps control blood sugar levels and the nervous system (especially helpful with PMS symptoms and PCOS). Getting enough magnesium in your diet is easy because so many foods are naturally high in magnesium.

  • Here are a few other healthy things you can put on your plate to balance your T-hormones
  • Avocados
  • Chickpeas, lentils, beans, and soybeans are all legume family members.
  • Tahini Nuts (especially almonds, brazil, cashew, and pine nuts)
  • Whole Grain – Quinoa
  • Seeds (especially pumpkin and sunflower)

Testosterone Supplements for Women 

  • Zinc

In a human experiment of zinc supplementation between two groups, compared to the control group, the supplemented group had big improvements in all aspects of sexual function tested, including desire, arousal, orgasm, satisfaction, vaginal wetness, and discomfort during intercourse. Compared to the control group, the latter group’s testosterone levels increased significantly when they took zinc; This improved postmenopausal women’s sexual performance. This study found that when postmenopausal women took a zinc supplement, their testosterone levels went up, and their sexual performance improved. This supplement is suggested for postmenopausal women who don’t get enough zinc.

  • Magnesium

Magnesium increases testosterone, an important hormone for controlling sexual desire. During menopause, men need to get enough magnesium to keep their testosterone levels and libido in check.

Another thing that kills desire is not having enough knowledge. More people are having trouble relaxing and sleeping. We’ve shown that magnesium may also help in these two areas.

  • Vitamin C

Many people know that vitamin C is good for your skin and immune system, but they don’t know that this water-soluble vitamin also has many other uses. Vitamin C is important for everyone because it does so many things.

  • Vitamin B

When women who had regular periods and were otherwise healthy ate more vitamin B2, their blood levels of estradiol were slightly lower. Homocysteine levels in the blood were lower in people who took more vitamins B2 and B12.

The best foods to raise testosterone levels are protein, zinc, magnesium, B vitamins (especially vitamin B6), and Omega-3 essential fatty acids.

  • Vitamins D3 and K2 

Vitamin D deficiency can cause many of the same problems as low testosterone, such as depression and trouble getting or keeping an erection (which can also be caused by low testosterone). Low testosterone and insufficient vitamin D can also make you feel weak. If you think you have low levels of testosterone or vitamin D, the best way to find out is to get a blood test. Most people can then raise their levels on their own.

Studies have shown that taking vitamin D supplements may change the amount of testosterone in some people, but the exact way vitamin D affects testosterone is not fully understood.

Scientists have found that women with higher levels of testosterone also have higher levels of vitamin D. In a recent cross-sectional study of women, serum 25(OH)D levels were positively and significantly related to total testosterone levels. This shows that getting more vitamin D may bring testosterone levels back to normal.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids

Omega-3 is a good fat that you shouldn’t stay away from. Omega-3 fatty acids are important to keep your body running well, and the health benefits far outweigh any weight gain. But since your body can’t make omega-3, you’ll need to eat foods like salmon, walnuts, and flaxseeds that contain it. If you don’t eat fish or nuts and seeds, you should take an omega-3 supplement. ​

After taking 3 grams of omega-3 for 8 weeks, people with PCOS who were overweight or obese had lower levels of testosterone in their blood. Also, this group of people starts to have their periods more regularly. But the amount of protein that binds to sex hormones and the free androgen index hasn’t changed.


As you get older, your body makes less testosterone on its own. When you reach menopause, whether it happens on its own or because a doctor surgically took out your ovaries, the amount of testosterone in your body will drop by about half.

When a woman’s testosterone levels drop, she might not want to do sexual things, have trouble getting aroused during sexual encounters, or even have trouble reaching an orgasmic climax. When these things happen, sex is often less satisfying.

Testosterone used to treat menopausal symptoms can cause side effects like any other medicine. Little is known about how testosterone replacement therapy for menopause will affect women in the long run. More research needs to be done to find out how it affects bones and muscles, mental health, and mood.

The medications for women made from testosterone were first made for and tested on men. Even though many women have said that testosterone therapy for menopause works, you should talk to your doctor about your worries before starting treatment.

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