
More adipose tissue increases breast cancer risk after menopause

Bea JW, et al. O-075. Presented at: ObesityWeek; Nov. 1-4, 2022; San Diego. Disclosures: Bea reports serving as a consultant for WHI and receiving funding from Disarm Therapeutics for an investigator-initiated trial to study biomarkers of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy among patients with taxane-treated breast cancer. SAN DIEGO — Higher amounts of visceral and subcutaneous adipose Read more…

Liz Talks, Episode 51: Adina Rubin on Strength Training & Happy Hormones – Real Food Liz

Adina Rubin talks her life in Israel, training women worldwide with her signature program, kettlebell training, and the issues with training with your cycle! Helpful links, discounts, & affiliates: •Take a strength training class with Adina:  •Peloton and Your Period: How Cycling is Ruining Your Cycle: •How to Store Fat & Slow Your Metabolism: Are Read more…

What Can I Do To Improve My Sexual Health Before And After Menopause?

Due to the lack of estrogen and testosterone, a woman’s body and sexual drive may change after menopause. Women going through menopause or who have just gone through it may find less open to physical contact and less likely to get excited by it. It could also affect your sexual health. As estrogen levels drop, Read more…

Why Menopausal Women Sweat While Sleeping And 10 Ways To Stop Soaking Your Bed With Sweat

Night sweats are drenching sweats that are serious enough to soak through clothes and bedding and disturb one’s sleep. Although sweating produces a healthy cooling effect response that helps regulate body temperature at a safe and comfortable level, night sweats, on the other hand, do not bring about this remarkable comfort at all. Instead, one Read more…

Benefits Of Maca To Menopausal Women

Maca herb is a natural supplement rich in nutrients that can help manage the various symptoms associated with menopause. Everybody wants to live a balanced life, yet even the most composed and careful ones can become unbalanced during menopause. Menopause begins as a result of hormonal changes that startle the body as a whole. Hot Read more…

Top 10 Vitamins For Menopause Fatigue

If you’ve been feeling more exhausted and unmotivated thoroughly, fatigue is a common symptom of menopause. While some women experience mild fatigue, others experience severe and become very hard to manage. Menopause is a transition stage with many symptoms, some of which are energy zappers like hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, and extreme fatigue. In Read more…

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