Category: Health & Fitness

How CBD May Help With Menopause Symptoms –

Menopause is something that all women go through as part of the aging process, typically between the ages of 45 and 55. The process causes a decline in oestrogen levels, marking the end of a woman’s childbearing years. Unfortunately, menopause can also be very painful, both physically and emotionally. Many women choose hormone replacement therapy Read more…

Gennev Reveals Menopause Zeitgeist: Social Taboos, Symptoms, and Surprising Gaps in Support

Menopause Zeitgeist Infographic from Gennev SEATTLE (PRWEB) December 17, 2019 Menopause health concerns of fatigue, mood changes, and sleep disturbances lead the list of challenges with alarming impact on quality of life, but 94 percent of women don’t get enough support to manage side-effects, a Gennev ( survey found. Gennev, a first-of-its-kind online clinic for Read more…

LADIES: This menopause symptom DRIVES UP heart risk 80%

I have treated thousands of women going through menopause at my practice in Massachusetts… Ladies who spent months suffering through hot flashes and nights sweats before they came to me seeking treatment. If this sounds like you right now—or if you’ve already been through menopause but remember feeling this way—then listen up. Because if you Read more…

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