10 First Signs of Menopause – 2020 Update |

10 First Signs of Menopause – 2020 Update |

Prepare yourselves, ladies, because menopause is coming whether you’re ready for it or not. It’s time to self-care and invest in an electric fan because hot flashes are brutal. Brace yourself and read these 10 first signs of Menopause AND 10 tips to deal with menopause.

10 First Signs of Menopause – 2020 Update

The below common signs of menopause I have experienced myself and are symptoms you can look out for. From talking with my friends and my mother, not all women have or had symptoms of menopause like these. I’d say, these are severe symptoms, and are not to be taken for granted. Also, doctors say that a woman is in full-blown menopause after she has not had a period for one full year.

What are the early signs of menopause?

Brace yourself, ladies, menopause can be brutal.

There are more symptoms of menopause than these I mentioned, but these are the ones I have experienced. Whatever you do, self-care is so crucial during this time of menopause, so take good care of yourself.

This picture of me taken in 2014 AND 20 lbs heavier than usual, is a game-changer for me. Menopause is brutal! Now, in 2020 I’m still having trouble losing the weight. I’ve tried intermittent fasting for beginners, going gluten-free, and cutting down on carbs. Nothing seems to help.

How to Deal with Menopause Symptoms?

  1. If you haven’t yet, get on supplements, such as Vitamin C, all the B Vitamins, and Vitamin D3. I also understand Vit. E is good too. I think I take every supplement I can, and then some. One supplement I recommend and is one I won’t go without taking is an Omega-3 supplement. This one alone has changed my life. I used to only buy Nordic Naturals, but there are so many on the market that are just as good.
  2. Start a yoga class – it helps with the core muscles and all over health.
  3. Take MORE time for yourself – get a massage!!
  4. Breathe deep – with your stomach and not your shoulders – yoga teaches you this. We take our breathing for granted – make sure you’re doing it correctly. (through the stomach and not with your shoulders).
  5. Invest in some 100% pure essential oils, such as lemon, lavender, and peppermint. There’s so much that you can do with these three alone. Look up the benefits of each, and I bet you’ll find more EO’s that you’ll want to try. I put lemon in my drinking water every day. It helps to clean your insides and flush out toxins.
  6. Dress in layers, ladies!! At home, and out & about – wear a short-sleeve shirt and a sweater so you can take the sweater off when a hot flash arises! Seriously.
  7. If you’re a stay-at-home mom like I am, be sure to dress up now and then. Put your make up on and go somewhere.
  8. Do talk to your spouse about it. They do need to know what’s going on with you.
  9. Read up on menopause and other symptoms you may be experiencing. You could very possibly have other things going on on top of the menopause symptoms.
  10. LOVE YOURSELF MORE! Self-care is so important.

Also, know that you’re not alone in your menopause journey. Seek help from professionals if needed.

Be sure to listen to your body and do something about it sooner rather than later. Signs you are in menopause can be the worst for some. I hope that you are a survivor and remember – these symptoms will not last forever.

Also, know that you’re not alone in your menopause journey. Seek help from professionals if needed.

Be sure to listen to your body and do something about it sooner rather than later. Signs you are in menopause can be the worst for some. I hope that you are a survivor and remember – these symptoms will not last forever.

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This content was originally published here.

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