[Alert] Painful Disease Linked to Menopause – Natural Health Response

[Alert] Painful Disease Linked to Menopause – Natural Health Response

[Alert] Painful Disease Linked to Menopause

It’s a fact – growing old is not for the faint of heart.

That’s especially true for women going through menopause.

The “change” can bombard you with hot flashes, night sweats, fatigue, pain, weight gain… and even ruin your sex life. 

And if that wasn’t bad enough…. a recent study has linked menopause to another uncomfortable disease. 

Fortunately, there’s an easy, natural way to combat menopause… and the painful condition it causes. 

A recent study just found that menopause can be especially difficult for women with rheumatoid arthritis.

We already knew that women are much more likely to suffer from this joint-destroying disease. But it looks like women who have gone through menopause have it worst of all.

Researchers studied over 8,000 women with rheumatoid arthritis, comparing the symptoms of those women who had not yet gone through menopause to those who had. 

It turns out that the women who had gone though menopause had a much greater decline in physical functionality than the women who hadn’t. Menopause was also linked to worse rheumatoid arthritis symptoms.

That means that in addition to experiencing the typical menopause symptoms already known to take over your life, women with rheumatoid arthritis can add joint pain to the list.

But enough’s enough!

If you’re a women suffering through menopause, – or menopause and arthritis – your days of “grinning and bearing it” are over. 

Because there’s a certain miracle oil can help you fight both diseases at the SAME TIME. 

I’m talking about CBD.  And it’s the part of the cannabis (marijuana) plant that is responsible for so many of its health benefits… without getting you “high”.  

Three of the primary menopause symptoms that CBD can help alleviate include mood changes, sleep problems, and bone loss. Take a look:

Even better? Research shows that CBD oil can alleviate the type of inflammation and joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis. 

This means CBD covers all bases when it comes to menopause AND arthritis.

CBD oil is now legal in most states. If you want to give it a try, talk to your doctor (more doctors are becoming comfortable recommending it). 

I also recommend lifestyle changes that can help you to reduce the inflammation causing your menopause and arthritis symptoms. 

These include exercise (it can help clear inflammation out of the body), cutting out sugary and fried foods, spending more time in the sun, and loading up on inflammation-fighting foods like fish, nuts, olive oil, and green tea.

To a brighter day,

Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.

Written By Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D.

For years he’s been the trusted doctor for celebrities, world-class athletes, and countless seniors looking to reclaim their health.

And now…for the first time ever… he’s making his medical breakthroughs available to readers all across America.

Dr. Richard Gerhauser, M.D. is one of the most pioneering and innovative minds in medicine today – and he delivers cutting-edge cures each month through his Natural Health Response newsletter.

Natural Health Response readers get full access to Dr. Gerhauser’s protocols for chronic pain… heart disease… diabetes… Alzheimer’s… and even cancer. These are the very same treatments Dr. Gerhauser recommends to his own patients at his practice in Tucson, Arizona.

In addition to being a board-certified medical doctor, Dr. Gerhauser has earned two master’s degrees and has served as a clinical professor at the University of Arizona.

And as a physician at the world-famous Canyon Ranch, Dr. Gerhauser treated celebrities from around the world who paid dearly for the type of next-generation health information he provides Natural Health Response readers each month.

This content was originally published here.

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