An Easily Digestible Guide To Hunger Hormones & Energy Balance

An Easily Digestible Guide To Hunger Hormones & Energy Balance

Naturally, some people love working out. Others…well, not so much. Finding a type of movement that brings you joy is key and will encourage you to consistently choose action over inaction. If you can work out with a friend for accountability, even better!

That said, certain types of physical activity are certainly more efficient at burning calories (i.e., expending energy). According to Skinner, the best exercise plan for a healthy metabolism is to exercise around 150 minutes per week with an elevated heart rate, mostly in zone 2 (i.e., approximately 60 to 70% of your maximum heart rate). This may include weightlifting, dance classes, Pilates, fast-paced walking, or jogging.

Incorporating muscle-building exercises two to three times per week is also instrumental for balancing your metabolism, supporting healthy blood sugars, and increasing calories burned (even while you’re resting). 

One warning to heed: Too much high-intensity or endurance/cardio exercise can actually make your metabolic health worse, so balance your efforts with lower-intensity walking and other low-impact activities throughout the week to give your muscles a chance to recover.

Finally, don’t forget to give yourself grace. Habit formation doesn’t happen overnight, and building up your mental endurance is just as important as working on your physical well-being (if not more!). Plus, mental flexibility is a transferable skill that will support you in almost every aspect of life. (Win-win!)

In the fast-paced world we’re living in, meals that are both calm and focused can feel like a distant memory. Not slowing down to look at, smell, thoroughly chew, and savor food is where many people begin to lose touch with their appetite cues.

Mealtime looks different for everyone and can vary based on when you eat. When it comes to timing, each person will have to experiment to figure out what works best for them at each stage of their life.

While not right for everyone, intermittent fasting with a 12- to 16-hour fasting window has been shown to improve body composition and metabolic markers over time. There are certain health concerns that may not benefit from intermittent fasting, so working with a knowledgeable health care practitioner who’s intimately familiar with your unique history and health needs is always recommended.

Tuning in to your hunger signals is also affected by who you’re sharing your meals with. People who aren’t aware of their own cues or distract you (we see you, parents!) may make it more challenging to sense your own hunger and fullness, while people who have figured out their own magic metabolism method may be able to pass on some tips and help you to learn new, healthy eating patterns.

Slow down, quiet the noise, and be open to receiving. This may be as simple as putting screens away at meals, avoiding working lunches (another tough one for many people), and having a little ritual or routine around meals.

This content was originally published here.

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