Natural relief for women going through the change: Cognitive behavior therapy helps manage menopause symptoms, reveals study –

Natural relief for women going through the change: Cognitive behavior therapy helps manage menopause symptoms, reveals study –

(Natural News) Cognitive behavior therapy is a short-term, non-medical approach that can be used to treat a wide range of health problems, from stress and fatigue to even hot flashes. It focuses on teaching patients how to modify dysfunctional behaviors, thoughts and emotions, and how to develop personal coping strategies against them. Now, recent research suggests that this […]

5 “Lazy” Exercises That Can Help You Quickly Lose Weight Around Your Waist and Set Your Abs on Fire

5 “Lazy” Exercises That Can Help You Quickly Lose Weight Around Your Waist and Set Your Abs on Fire

If you keep a diet but it seems like that extra weight around your waist is in no hurry to leave or your abs aren’t as defined as you’d like them to be, it’s time to incorporate some simple but effective exercises into your workout. The pilates training system was created for spine rehabilitation but it also helps perfectly tone deep core muscles and boost metabolism. We at Bright Side […]

Acupuncture may reduce menopause symptoms

Acupuncture may reduce menopause symptoms

Researchers put acupuncture to the test once again. Menopause typically begins in the sixth decade of life and continues for an average of 4–5 years. The symptoms of menopause can reduce overall well-being and affect every facet of life. Although the symptoms of menopause are treatable, the current methods are far from perfect. Hormone replacement […]

5 Things That Happen to Your Orgasms During Menopause – WomenWorking

5 Things That Happen to Your Orgasms During Menopause – WomenWorking

Hormonal and vaginal changes during a woman’s midlife can affect the way you experience sexual pleasure and desirable feelings, according to the North American Menopause Society. As a result, this can affect one’s sex life and relationship with their partner. By educating oneself on the biological facts, women can seek out the care they need, […]

How to Stop a Hot Flash – The New York Times

How to Stop a Hot Flash – The New York Times

Is there new evidence that tells us about hot flashes in menopause? What is the cause? What can be done to reduce the frequency and intensity? The currently accepted theory is that hot flashes are caused by a disturbance in the thermoregulatory zone — sort of like your personal thermostat is malfunctioning. The most effective […]

Menopause and heart health: Why timing hormone therapy is key

Menopause and heart health: Why timing hormone therapy is key

New research suggests that changes in heart health may occur sooner than scientists previously believed. The older a person gets, the more likely they are to develop heart disease. However, the risk of the condition — which is the biggest killer of women in the United States — increases even more during menopause. Experts believe […]

7 Ways to Ease Menopause Symptoms and Burn Fat

7 Ways to Ease Menopause Symptoms and Burn Fat

In menopause, female hormones begin to decline and the metabolism slows down. Many women find it more difficult to lose weight after menopause and also experience sporadic weight gain. There are several reasons weight loss can be more difficult during menopause: Hormone changes: when estrogen is too low or too high, weight gain occurs. Decrease […]

#42 – Carol Tavris, Ph.D., and Avrum Bluming, M.D.: Controversial topic affecting all women—the role of hormone replacement therapy through menopause and beyond—the compelling case for long-term HRT and dispelling the myth that it causes breas

#42 – Carol Tavris, Ph.D., and Avrum Bluming, M.D.: Controversial topic affecting all women—the role of hormone replacement therapy through menopause and beyond—the compelling case for long-term HRT and dispelling the myth that it causes breas

In this episode, Carol Tavris, social psychologist and author of Mistakes Were Made (But Not By Me), and Avrum Bluming, hematologist, medical oncologist, and emeritus clinical professor at USC, discuss their collaboration on their recent book, Estrogen Matters. Their book takes on the very polarizing and confusing topic of hormone replacement therapy for women suffering […]

DEBUNKED: Claims That Vegan Diet Caused Blogger’s Early Menopause

DEBUNKED: Claims That Vegan Diet Caused Blogger’s Early Menopause

Another sensationalist article claims a ‘vegan‘ diet made someone ill and that eating meat and eggs made them better – but a little digging reveals the truth behind the headlines. 38-year-old Finnish food and lifestyle blogger Virpi Mikkonen claimed her vegan diet brought on early menopause. Like every other article like this, the diet she […]

Diet drinks linked to a higher risk of stroke after the menopause

Diet drinks linked to a higher risk of stroke after the menopause

Artificially sweetened soft drinks may raise the risk of heart disease and death in postmenopausal women. A study that followed tens of thousands of postmenopausal women for more than 10 years has linked a higher consumption of diet drinks to an increased risk of stroke, heart disease, and death. The link between diet drinks and […]

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