Can CBD Oil Help With The Menopause? – Guide To Vaping

Can CBD Oil Help With The Menopause? – Guide To Vaping

Menopause is an inevitability for half of the world’s population and something that many people anticipate with dread.

For many years, menopause has been cloaked in a certain degree of mystery, with sufferers not being eager to divulge their problems, coupled with a fairly unsympathetic and fairly unprepared medical system, this has meant generations of people suffering in silence.

Luckily, over the past couple of decades, menopause has become much less taboo to discuss, and as it becomes more widely talked about, the symptoms and problems of this condition are more widely known and accepted.

This has meant that the medical profession has also moved along, and more and more treatments are available to help, as the menopause becomes more understood.

CBD oil is becoming a popular choice for many people to treat a whole variety of illnesses and conditions, but can it help with the menopause? Let’s have a look and find out.

What Exactly Is The Menopause?

The menopause will happen to all women, or people with a uterus, at some point in their life. The most common time for it to happen is between the ages of forty-five and fifty-five years of age, although some people can experience it earlier than this.

The menopause is when a person’s menstrual cycle stops, they no longer have periods and are unable to conceive naturally. This cessation of the menstrual cycle is due to a decline in the hormone estrogen.

Menopause has many symptoms, and whilst some people may experience one or two, others may experience many more, it is a unique experience for the person going through it.

Some of the symptoms can be night sweats, hot flushes, becoming forgetful, insomnia or difficulty sleeping, lower libido, vaginal dryness, urinary leakage, anxiety, low mood or depression, joint pain, and heart palpitations, although there are other symptoms a sufferer can experience.

Symptoms can last for many years before the last period, and a person is considered post-menopausal once twelve months have passed without a period, however, symptoms can last up to four years after their last period.

It is not unusual, therefore, to have the whole menopause from start to finish to last around ten years.

What Treatments Are There For The Menopause?

Someone who is experiencing menopause symptoms should see their doctor or GP, who will usually do a blood test to confirm menopause, usually by looking at the levels of hormones within the blood.

Once menopause is confirmed, there are a few treatments available, although many are symptomatic – this means treating the symptoms of menopause, as there is no cure for menopause itself, it is a natural process of the body that has to run its course.

The most commonly known treatment is hormone replacement therapy, generally shortened to HRT. HRT involves replacing the estrogen that is missing from the body, to ease the symptoms. This is available as tablets, implants, skin patches, and gels or creams. Some people find HRT really helps, whilst others find the opposite.

If a person is suffering from mood changes such as anxiety or depression, medication can be prescribed for this, alongside therapy.

Vaginal dryness creams and lubricants can be used to help make the person feel more comfortable and increase the lubrication.

Many people seek alternative or natural treatments as well. Exercise and a good diet is essential, this will help keep body weight to a healthy level, and exercise increases bone strength and also releases endorphins to help with good mental health.

Others find treatments such as acupuncture and CBD oil are very helpful.

Hot Flushes and Night Sweats

These are probably the two most commonly known symptoms of menopause, and those suffering from these have been the butt of jokes for many years. 

However, in reality, it is no laughing matter. Both hot flushes and night sweats can make the sufferer very uncomfortable and can have a very real impact on day to day life.

Many people who have suffered from these symptoms have used CBD oil to help and swear by it. Currently, there aren’t any scientific studies into why it works, but anecdotally, many people find that it does.

CBD oil is well known for its positive impact on mental health and serotonin levels, so this could have something to do with it.

Joint Aches and Pains

Many people just assume that aches and pains are just a part of getting older, and whilst this is true to an extent, these pains can also be a symptom of menopause.

These pains are generally caused by inflammation, without estrogen in the body any longer, or a reduced amount, there are more free radicals and inflammatory agents bouncing around, causing these pains.

Osteoporosis is another well-documented result of menopause, as calcium leaves the bones they become weaker, another result of reducing estrogen levels.

CBD oil is well documented for its anti-inflammatory effects, which can help with all manner of bodily pain, but it has also been shown to help with bone strength too, making it an all-round good choice.

Mood Changes

Those going through menopause will probably experience some form or mood change or mood swings. Sometimes these are transient, other times it can develop into full-blown anxiety disorder or clinical depression.

Medical help should always be sought for this problem, but CBD oil can also help.

CBD oil helps to increase serotonin levels and even turns on the serotonin receptors, allowing the serotonin that is available to be used effectively, therefore improving mood.

For the same reason, CBD oil can also help counteract sleep problems. Many people use CBD oil to help improve sleep quality, although the exact mechanism is not clearly known, it is thought to be linked to the increased serotonin, allowing the person to be more relaxed and therefore sleep better.

As you can see, there are many ways in which CBD oil can help, more than we have listed here.

In the first instance, it is always a good idea to see them get a menopause diagnosis and discuss your symptoms. 

Always check with a medical professional if CBD oil is right for you, and whether it will interfere with any medication you are already on.

This content was originally published here.

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