Category: Menopause

Menopause and Back pain – Any Connection?

Numerous studies and surveys have established that women encounter joint and spine pain during their life’s perimenopause and menopause stages. Hence it is not too surprising that many people are looking for information on menopause and back pain. During menopause, many women experience physical symptoms like lower back pain, night sweats, hot flashes, reduced sex Read more…

Top 24 Menopause Myths and the Real Truth

Like any other phenomenon, menopause is often linked to misconceptions and fictitious beliefs that tend to exaggerate what it entails. In modern society, menopause myths have spread so much that many women today do not even understand how menopause works anymore. They believe and practice what should not be practiced, which can negatively affect their Read more…

What Doctors Don’t Know About Menopause

How the health system is failing women going through menopause Doctors aren’t genies, after all While many women see menopause as a period of relief from everything related to monthly cramps and pregnancy scares, some women go through the most during the menopausal period of their lives. Using the United States as an example, most Read more…

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