Does Menopause Cause Joint Pain?

menopause joint pain

We all know menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her period stops. It usually occurs naturally, most often after age 45. The average age of menopause onset in the United States is 51. Menopause happens when a woman’s ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone. A woman has reached menopause when she has not had a period for one year. Changes and symptoms can start several years earlier. They include:

  • A change in periods – shorter or longer, lighter or heavier, with more or less time in between
  • Hot flashes and/or night sweats
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood swings
  • Trouble focusing
  • Less hair on head, more on face
  • Osteoarthritis and joint pain

Does Menopause Cause Joint Pain?

A common symptom often associated with hormonal change is pain. Menopause may cause joint pain that can affect the knees, shoulders, neck, elbows, and hands. Older joint injuries may begin to ache more. As time goes by, you may start to notice that you feel more aches and pains than you used to. This is because estrogen helps reduce inflammation. As the hormone levels decline, inflammation may increase, causing discomfort and menopause-related arthritis.

Don’t wait to seek help for pain. Most menopause-related pain can be reduced or eliminated with at-home remedies, medical treatment, or lifestyle changes. The type of discomfort you have may determine what type of doctor you see. 

What Can You Do About Menopause Joint Pain?

If you are going through menopause and experiencing joint pain, there are a number of ways to reduce your discomfort and make managing your symptoms a little easier.

  • Get Regular Exercise. It may seem counter-intuitive, but regular exercise is essential to living a life with less joint pain. Countless studies have shown that exercise is good for your mind and your heart, but we now know that it’s also beneficial for bone strength. Choosing consistent, low-impact exercises such as swimming, biking, hiking, and yoga, can help prevent your joints from becoming sore and stiff.
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet. In addition to getting regular exercise, eating a healthy, balanced diet will provide your body with the nutrients it needs to endure the unwelcome side effects of menopause, including joint pain. For example, adding lean proteins to your diet can help to promote and maintain muscle mass, which is vital for bone support.
  • Drink Plenty of Water. Drink water throughout the day to keep tissues hydrated with fluids. In menopause, a woman’s body loses water (or doesn’t retain it as well), so it’s important to replace the lost moisture as much as possible. The fluid around joints needs water to function properly. And that means water. Not sports drinks, sodas, or coffee – water.
  • Reduce Stress. Yes, this is easier said than done, but when it comes to joint pain, stress is especially problematic. Stress raises cortisol levels, and cortisol can cause additional inflammation in joints. Do what you can to keep stress in check.
  • Quit Smoking. If you smoke, now is the time to quit. Smoking can increase your risk of cardiovascular issues, diabetes, cancer, and even arthritis. Smoking can slow or prevent the ability of your bones to heal properly, meaning joint pain and stiffness may be more common in menopausal women who smoke.

How Flexcin May Help with Menopause Joint Pain

An all-natural joint supplement like Flexcin can help to increase joint mobility, reduce inflammation, support cartilage repair, decrease stiffness, and stimulate lubricating fluids in the joints. If you are experiencing joint pain from menopause, or even looking to prevent it – Flexcin may help.

With powerful ingredients like cetyl myristoleate (CM8) and more traditional anti-inflammation ingredients like glucosamine sulfate potassium, MSM, bromelain, collagen type II, and vitamin C, Flexcin is an effective supplement that helps with mobility, inflammation and prevents further joint degeneration. It also contains a blend of enzymes that helps the body absorb the nutrients. Flexcin also makes a Motion Lotion. This is a topical cream that may be safely used to provide relief for symptoms of joint aches and inflammation due to menopausal joint pain.

At Flexcin we have been making all-natural joint care supplements since the year 2000, and have helped thousands of people find an alternative relief to their joint issues. We provide US-made supplements with powerful ingredients used as alternatives to decreasing swelling and rebuilding damaged tissue. And, we offer it at a no-risk 90-day trial. If you try Flexcin and are unsatisfied with the results after taking it for three months, simply return the empty bottles for a full refund less shipping and handling.

The post Does Menopause Cause Joint Pain? appeared first on Flexcin.

This content was originally published here.

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