If You Live Near Parks, Your Menopause May Arrive Later Than Other Women | Latest

If You Live Near Parks, Your Menopause May Arrive Later Than Other Women | Latest

In the days of declining air quality index, living around green spaces is a blessing! There cannot be anything better than giving pure oxygen to your lungs and preventing the body from innumerable health hazards. Living near greenery is linked to myriad benefits including chronic disease prevention, weight control, mental health, etc. And now it is found that greenery can also delay menopause. Women who live in green spaces are highly likely to get late menopause.

Aging in women is defined by menopause and its delay means a healthy body. As per a study published in the journal ‘Environment International’, women who reside near greener areas get menopause a little late than other women who concrete neighborhood. This shows a clear link between the green environment and the onset of menopause. Women who have a green neighborhood tend to age slow which results in delaying menopause.

The research team analyzed data collected through the European Community Respiratory Health Survey (ECRHS) where around 2000 women from nine Europian countries took part in the survey. They were asked to fill a questionnaire to examine their health and lifestyle factors including the greenery around their residence. Based on the data, the team derived the correlation between greenery and women’s health.

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“We know that stress increases the level of cortisol in the blood, and numerous studies have shown that exposure to green spaces reduces it,” said Kai Triebner, a senior researcher from the Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Barcelona, Spain.

“Low cortisol levels have been associated with increased levels of estradiol, an important female sex hormone. Perhaps women who live near green spaces have lower cortisol levels, which would allow them to maintain higher levels of estradiol, which may, in turn, delay the onset of menopause,” he added.

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Women living in a clean and green environment enter the menopausal age approximately 1.5 to 2 years later than women with lesser green surroundings.

“Exposure to green space is also associated with a lower risk of certain mental health conditions, such as depression, which is also associated with younger age at menopause,” Triebner said.

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This content was originally published here.

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