Menoquil Review: Does It Really Work for Menopause?

Menoquil Review: Does It Really Work for Menopause?

Menoquil has been touted as one of the best menopause supplements on the market. Many of the conventional strategies used in dealing with menopause are risky and, often, cause adverse reactions. Those who are in desperate need of relief from these menopausal symptoms can count on Menoquil. 

A Brief Introduction to Menoquil

The dietary supplement known as Menoquil has gained a lot of popularity because it has been so well-reviewed by users. Menoquil is a menopause supplement that customers claim was able to alleviate them of their most problematic menopause symptoms. One of the most interesting things about this product is that it utilizes an all-natural formula and that no users have reported any harmful or inconvenient side-effects. Most Menoquil reviews written by actual customers state that it worked for them in as little as a few days. Please keep in mind, though, that this is a dietary supplement and it provides nutrients to the body that positively affect female hormone profiles. It is not a prescription medication.

What Does The Formula Include?

As with any dietary supplement, the efficacy of this product will depend largely on the formula it utilizes. We were impressed when composing this Menoquil review that we were able to confirm that all the ingredients were naturally sourced. They include the following active components:

  • Black Cohosh – Black Cohosh is a member of the buttercup family. The earliest documented uses of black cohosh are credited to Native Americans. Several high-quality modern studies on the extract of black cohosh confirm that it is especially useful for reducing common menopause symptoms
  • Green Tea Extract – Green tea is a rich, natural source of the polyphenols known as catechins. Extensive, long-term research has been conducted on the effects that green tea extract supplementation has on menopausal and post-menopausal women. In one such study that was held for a year, it was shown that catechins helped lower cholesterol and triglycerides. This effect can have a great benefit for women struggling with weight gain during menopause.
  • Vitamin K – Many modern studies have proven that vitamin K is essential for bone health. Regular vitamin K supplementation can help offset bone density loss that is common in menopausal women. 
  • Isoflavones – Isoflavones are essential for maintaining a normal and healthy hormone profile. The isoflavones included in Menoquil address the emotional symptoms of menopause by promoting estrogen balance. 
  • Dong quai – It is known as the female ginseng, an herb that belongs to the Apiaceae family. A recent study found a reduction in hot flashes in women supplemented with Dong quai and chamomile. 

Can Menoquil Work For You?

Menoquil is known as one of the best menopause supplements on the market but can it really work for you? We scoured the internet in search of reviews of this product and found many that were written by women experiencing varying symptoms of menopause. The benefits we read in these reviews range from hot flash reduction, better sleep, healthier bones, stabler moods, and a better overall outlook.

What Does The Science Say

Aside from firsthand accounts, the ingredients in Menoquil have all been thoroughly tested and proven to benefit women going through menopause in one way or another. The claims that Menoquil can address the emotional and physical symptoms of menopause are validated by the presence of ingredients, like isoflavones. These compounds work to restore hormonal balance, which improves emotional outlook. Vitamin K and green tea extract both work to address the physical changes brought on by menopause, such as bone density loss and weight gain.

How Can You Benefit From Menoquil?

  • Menoquil makes it easier to live an overall healthy lifestyle
  • Menoquil also works to reduce the frequency and intensity of hot flashes
  • It avoids the emergence of night sweats
  • This supplement will also keep your bones healthy
  • There are no harmful side-effects associated with using this product

Pros and Cons of Menoquil


  • Almost all Menoquil reviewsmention positive results.
  • It is very reasonably priced.
  • This supplement makes it easier to work and go about your daily business.
  • Users have also reported better sleep from taking Menoquil.


How Much Does Menoquil Cost?

Menoquil is available on the manufacturer’s official website and Amazon. The price may vary a bit, but on the official site, the prices are as follows:

One bottle – $44.95 plus shipping cost

Three bottles – $114.62 including free domestic delivery

Five bottles – $179.80 including free domestic delivery

Must Watch Video of ‘Menoquil –  All-Natural Menopause Supplement’

Consumer Questions & Answers

How does Menoquil help? – Menoquil reduces menopausal symptoms by helping to balance the hormone profile of the user and providing essential nutrients that offset the physical effects of menopause.

What is Menoquil made of? – Menoquil features a 100% natural proprietary formula featuring black cohosh, essential vitamins, isoflavones, and calcium.

What’s the return policy? – The company that makes Menoquil is called Pharmaxa Labs. Pharmaxa Labs extends a 60-day money-back guarantee to anyone who purchases Menoquil through the official website. If you buy Menoquil at retail stores or websites, you will be subject to their specific return policy. 

Can you buy Menoquil in stores? – Menoquil is available through its official website or on Amazon.

Final Assessment

Based on our extensive research into the formula of Menoquil, the history of the company that produces it, the accounts of women who have tried it, and the scientific research that supports the claims of the manufacturer, we have easily concluded that Menoquil is indeed an effective menopause supplement.

One of our points of skepticism before heading into this review was the claim that it addresses both physical and emotional symptoms of menopause. But the formula that supports ideal hormone balance and physical wellness laid those concerns to rest. It is our opinion that Menoquil can play a critical role in living a healthy lifestyle if you are a woman going through menopause.

Overall, this is a quality supplement that really can make menopause easier and help you come through it a healthier, happier person. Be sure to check it out for yourself soon. 

The post Menoquil Review: Does It Really Work for Menopause? appeared first on Mom Blog Society.

This content was originally published here.

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