REAL Menopause Relief Starting in 7 DAYS

REAL Menopause Relief Starting in 7 DAYS

REAL Menopause Relief Starting in 7 DAYS

Susan White By Susan White Posted October 27, 2018

For many women, menopause is misery.

The sporadic hot flashes… drenching night sweats… and grinding fatigue are enough to drive anyone up a wall. 

And your mainstream doctor? He’ll only offer you risky synthetic hormones that could make your symptoms WORSE.

But it doesn’t have to be this way any longer. Our sister company, Solaire Nutritionals, has developed a BREAKTHROUGH herbal trio that can help STOP your worst menopause symptoms… in a completely new and better way.

And it goes to work in just 7 days.

And it contains three incredible ancient Korean herbs that have been helping women with “the change” for thousands of years:

  • Cynanchum wilfordii
  • Jerusalem sage
  • Korean angelica

These herbs work by doing something called “estrogen receptor modulation.”

You see, here’s the shocking thing many people don’t know… and why, up until now, medicine has been getting it all wrong about menopause:

Your body still produces estrogen after. It’s just producing less than before.

After your body makes estrogen, it floats around in your blood stream until it finds an estrogen receptor.

If the receptor is turned “on”, the estrogen can to do its job.

But if the receptor is turned “off”, the estrogen goes to waste. 

And that’s when the nasty symptoms start – hot flashes, night sweats, dizziness, mood swings, etc.

But EstroBest helps solve that problem.

This compound makes sure that your estrogen receptors are “turned on” when they should be!

Rather than artificially raise your estrogen levels with treatments like hormone replacement therapy you want to help BALANCE your estrogen instead – the way your body did before you went into menopause.

In one study, scientists gave this incredible trio of herbs to 71 women going through menopause.

And in JUST ONE WEEK, the scientists were shocked to find many of the women already reportingrelief!

After one month? 94 percent of the women reported significant improvement in their symptoms.

But Solaire didn’t stop there… 

Every dose of EstroBest not only contains this fast-acting herbal trio but the perfect complimentary dose of ashwagandha.

Ashwaghanda is another miraculous herbal remedy for menopause symptoms shown to help boost your memory, power up your libido, and even help you lose weight!

EstroBest immediately goes to work “turning on” your estrogen receptors, to help balance your estrogen levels, and lower your cortisol.

And the results could be LIFE-CHANGING within just the first week.

CLICK HERE to be taken to our secure reservation page where you can claim your supply of EstroBest – at NO RISK!

Fighting For Your Health,

Susan White
Executive Director, Alliance For Advanced Health

P.S. Imagine relief from the agony of menopause… no more hot flashes and night sweats… no more mood swings… starting in as few as 7 DAYS! To try EstroBest for yourself, just click here now.

This content was originally published here.

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