The Menopause Book: The Complete Guide: Hormones, Hot Flashes, Health, Moods, Sleep, Sex, 2nd Edition

The Menopause Book: The Complete Guide: Hormones, Hot Flashes, Health, Moods, Sleep, Sex, 2nd Edition

Updated throughout and with 20% new material, The Menopause Book incorporates the latest medical findings, cutting-edge research, and best-practices advice on hormones and hormone therapy; hot flashes; heart disease and stroke; breast cancer in older women; osteoporosis and estrogen; weight gain and weight loss; the pros and cons of breast implants; and more.

Of all the books on the market, this is the soundest—based on science, the material is vetted by top authorities in the field, the facts are sure, the writing engaging, the tone upbeat.


This content was originally published here.

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