Day: September 18, 2020

Is Menopause Preventable

Manage symptoms and avoid complications Menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life cycle. You can’t prevent menopause, but you can manage many common symptoms and prevent possible complications. It’s essential to make healthy lifestyle choices. For example: maintain your bone strength manage your blood pressure Eating a well-balanced diet and maintaining a healthy Read more…

What dietary changes, if any, did you make to lower your blood pressure following menopause? – HysterSisters Blog

One theory as to why blood pressure rises after menopause is that lower estrogen levels cause arteries to stiffen and blood pressure to go up. If a woman is pre-hypertensive before menopause, she will likely develop hypertension during or after Read more about Eating Right | Lower Blood Pressure for Post-Meno. This content was originally Read more…