Day: August 16, 2022

Why Menopausal Women Should Add More Raw Foods To Their Diet

Why Menopausal Women Should Add More Raw Foods To Their Diet Why Menopausal Women Should Add More Raw Foods To Their Diet

When a woman stops menstruating, usually between the ages of 45 and 55, it is known as menopause. In the years preceding and following menopause, when the ovaries reduce the production of estrogen and progesterone hormones, women may suffer symptoms ranging from vaginal dryness to mood changes, joint pain, and sleeplessness. Your body may undergo […]

Can A Woman Have Orgasm After Menopause

Can A Woman Have Orgasm After Menopause Can A Woman Have Orgasm After Menopause

Sex and other sex-linked plays are some major activities in a marriage that keep intimacy in check. And most people are scared of losing this aspect of marriage. Menopause is a stage of a woman’s life when her ovaries stop releasing eggs and her monthly ovulatory period is halted. This period is characterized by many […]

7 Weight Loss Obstacles Menopausal Women Face and How To Overcome

7 Weight Loss Obstacles Menopausal Women Face and How To Overcome Benefits of Progesterone After Menopause Anxiety

It’s not uncommon to see women gain considerable weight during the menopause stage of their lives. As you advance in age, you might find out that it becomes easier to maintain your body weight. In fact, in some cases, menopausal women tend to get obese. This condition is most unfavorable for the average woman undergoing […]

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