
AMH level and menopause. Does AMH level predict age at menopause?

Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) level is now routinely used to evaluate ovarian reserve. AMH levels decrease with age and are a more consistent predictor of “ovarian age” than antral follicle count on ultrasound, inhibin b, or FSH levels. The ovary produces AMH and this is confirmed by the fact that AMH levels are undetectable after surgical Read more…

Research provides new insights into menopause and weight gain | UCLA

Can women in menopause get the benefits of hormone replacement therapy without the risks? A new UCLA study conducted with mice points in that direction, but additional research is necessary. Women commonly experience hot flashes and weight gain, among other changes, during and after menopause. Hormone therapy, which gives women additional estrogen, can help alleviate Read more…

Drugs are bad for your bones: Women can get osteoporosis even before menopause, if they take these drugs –

(Natural News) Osteoporosis — a disease marked by weak and brittle bones —  is often associated with older women, especially those who have gone through menopause. Indeed, postmenopausal women are at high risk for osteoporosis. But this bone disease can also affect younger women, including those in their 20s, 30s and 40s. It is uncommon Read more…

Childhood, adolescence, pregnancy, menopause, 75+: how your diet should change with each stage of life

Shutterstock In today’s episode, Clare Collins, a Professor in Nutrition and Dietetics at the University of Newcastle, explains how our diets might need to change depending on what stage of life we’re in. The Conversation’s Phoebe Roth started by asking: what should kids be eating and how much should parents worry about children eating vegetables? Read more…

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