
The newest sexual wellness products for midlife and menopause you need to know about

The newest sexual wellness products for menopause you need to know about The best new natural remedies for symptom relief that are not supplements Menopause solutions are more than just medications, supplements, and lasers for your vagina…. In 2017, I attended NAMS (National American Menopause Society), one of the largest conferences dedicated to midlife, menopause, and perimenopause Read more…

Menopause: Change of life, change of lifestyle – Discover Good Nutrition

Understanding healthy aging. If you were to ask most women when they’d be most likely to gain weight in their lives, they’d probably pinpoint two life-changing events—pregnancy and menopause. While weight gain during pregnancy is expected and necessary, the same doesn’t hold true for menopause. Yes, the body undergoes changes that may make weight maintenance a bit Read more…

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