Do one depression and menopause: back in the blogging game with new stripes!

Do one depression and menopause: back in the blogging game with new stripes!

In my first newsrooms the clatter of keys was a great incentive to file my copy on time and meet that deadline!

Do one depression and menopause: back in the blogging game with new stripes!

Writing’s in my blood. We’re old friends. So, when my blogging confidence took a nosedive, so did I. Time to rekindle my love affair with the written word and I’d love you along for the journey.

I’m blogging. It’s been a long time. Why? Many reasons really. Firstly I’ve been spending a lot of time writing for others with blogs, scripts, press releases and features, securing several awesome gigs and much more. I’ve also been writing a book as well as editing other people’s books too.

But you know what? There are also two less palatable reasons for my keyboard silence — depression and menopause. There, I said it, and not a mood crash or hot flush in sight. You see both of these things, at times, have been crippling, confidence shattering and, quite frankly, knackering. But no more. This ‘dynamic’ duo can do one. I’m fighting back with my super power — writing.

You see I’ve been writing since I was a wee bairn and I actually do it quite well. I just need to remember that.

Maybe a quick trawl through my many testimonials is in order. Better still perhaps it’s time I remembered all the great publications and media outlets I’ve got my clients coverage with over the 17+ years I’ve been in business; BBC, Channel 4, Huff Post, The Telegraph, Daily Mirror, The Sun, ITV, The One Show, Metro, Daily Express, The Lady, Diva, Kindred Spirit, Soul and Spirit, Daily Mail, Independent, The Scotsman, Daily Record, Tesco Magazine, The Wright Stuff. And that’s just a few.

There’s so much more to be positive about.

One good thing about coming out the other side of depression is it really helps you to evaluate what matters to you and that goes for business as well as personal stuff. As a result, I’ve spent the past months completely reinventing Turquoise Tiger and stripping my services right back to things that I truly am passionate about.

I’m now a content coach whose mission is to empower businesses to acknowledge they have incredible stories and coach them to tell those stories in an impactful way so that they become an integral part of their marketing.

My other key aim is to support businesses to conquer their needless fear of the media and learn some very simple but incredibly effective tools to help them gain positive PR themselves.

Having been a journalist for many years I know there are decent journos out there who really can be valuable assets for your business.

Recognising these powerful drivers has led to the birth of Directions — my 1–1 personal PR training programme, which I firmly believe will transform how small businesses approach their marketing in the future.

So, that’s it. Fairly short and sweet for me — a former feature writer turned editor, arts editor, sub editor (designer and headline writer) and former deputy editor of the world’s first digital mag for Twitter whose biggest fan was Stephen Fry. Time for me to get typing for Turquoise Tiger again. I hope you’ll join me for the journey. It’s going to be an interesting one.

This content was originally published here.

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