10 Ways Husbands Can Help Their Menopausal Wives

Menopausal Symptoms through the Lens of a Man

10 Ways Husbands Can Help Their Menopausal Wives

When a loved one is going through the changes that come with menopause, it can be difficult for their spouse or partner to know how to best support them. It’s possible that a lot of husbands don’t comprehend the concept of menopause to its full extent or don’t make an effort to educate themselves on the subject. It’s possible that, in their eyes, it’s something that you “cannot do anything about,” and as a result, it’s something you should distance yourself from.

This is, by and large, the last thing you should try to accomplish. Partners need to remember that the natural decline in hormone levels during menopause can cause uncomfortable feelings. These changes might also cause a woman going through menopause to believe that they have lost their sexual attractiveness, are “old,” and are “unattractive.”

The bodily changes can worsen things by causing weakness, forgetfulness, skin texture changes, and physical discomfort. These factors can all contribute to feelings of rage, despair, and even melancholy.

If you have a deeper grasp of what menopause is and the reasons why symptoms appear, you will be able to provide your loved one with more assistance.

So, men, this article is for you; we will be going into details about menopause, how it affects your partner physically and emotionally and how you can help.

Why Women Tend to have Low Libido During Menopause

10 Ways Husbands Can Help Their Menopausal Wives

Menopause is described as the point in a woman’s life when she finally stops having her periods, but it has the potential to impact more than just that aspect of her life.

Changes in a woman’s body and emotions can occur during menopause, affecting many aspects of her life, including her sex life.

The following is a list of symptoms and side effects that are connected with menopause:

  • problems with anxiety and bladder control
  • a diminishing of sexual energy and desire (libido)
  • Depression
  • difficulty sleeping,
  • hair loss
  • weight gain
  • Hot flashes
  • Mood swings

Each of these consequences may affect the overall quality of a woman’s life and her relationship with her partner.

It is possible that while you woman goes through her menopause, she will experience a shift in her libido, also often known as her sexual drive. Although it’s fairly prevalent, a drop in libido isn’t something that happens to every single woman. In most situations, diminished libido during menopause is caused by decreased hormone levels. This is because hormone levels drop during menopause.

A woman can try to enhance her sex drive by making adjustments to her lifestyle or by using sex aids, such as lubricants, if you are experiencing a decrease in her libido.

Menopause and Sexual Desire or Libido

There are multiple ways in which menopause can hurt libido. It may be more challenging for a woman to become sexually aroused during menopause since her levels of testosterone and estrogen drop at the same time. This may be potentially challenging for you as her husband.

Dryness in the vaginal canal is often said to be caused by a decline in estrogen levels. Less estrogen in the body causes a reduction in the amount of blood that flows through the vagina, which can hurt vaginal lubrication. Additionally, it might result in a condition known as vaginal atrophy, which describes a thinning of the vaginal wall. Dryness and atrophy of the vaginal tissue frequently cause discomfort during sexual activity.

Other bodily changes during menopause could also affect a woman’s libido. For instance, after menopause, many women experience weight gain, which can cause discomfort and reduce their desire to engage in sexual activity.

Night perspiring and hot flashes are other prevalent symptoms of menopause. Because of these symptoms would cause your menopausal woman to feel exhausted to engage in sexual activity. Other symptoms include changes in mood, such as depression and anger, which might make you less interested in having sexual relations.

The decrease in sexual desire is frequently brought on by lower estrogen levels, which can dull excitement and make sexual activity more uncomfortable for the partner.

What is Libido?

Sex after menopause old couple


The terms “sexual interest” and “sexual delight” both describe the term “libido.”

There have been reports of menopausal women experiencing decreased libido. However, the reasons behind this differ from person to person.

The reported rates of sexual issues in postmenopausal women range from 68 to 86.5 percent, as stated by one review.

This range is significantly greater than what is considered to be the case for all women, somewhere between 25 and 63 percent.

Why does menopause impact libido?

Reduced estrogen levels can lead to decreased blood flow to the vagina, which in turn can cause the vaginal and labial tissues to become thinner. This can result in vaginal and labial atrophy. Should this occur, they would develop a decreased sensitivity to sexual stimulation.

The amount of vaginal lubrication and overall arousal are impacted when blood flow is reduced. Consequently, a woman may experience diminished pleasure during sexual activity and find it challenging to have an orgasmic experience. Sexual activity can be awkward or even painful at times.

During perimenopause and menopause, a woman’s hormone levels can fluctuate, impacting her mental health, and her libido may diminish.

Because she may be balancing a job, motherhood, and the care of aging parents, a woman’s libido may suffer due to her stress. The fluctuations in hormone levels that a woman may experience throughout menopause might cause her to feel irritable or melancholy, making it more difficult to deal with the stress of day-to-day life.

Women who experience more substantial side effects connected with menopause are more likely to report reduced libido levels, as stated in an article published in the Journal of Women’s Health.

Hot flashes, despair, anxiety, inability to sleep, and weariness are just examples of the negative effects that this medication may cause.

A woman going through menopause has a higher chance of suffering a decreased libido for several other reasons, including the following:

  • a family history of diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or major depressive disorder
  • a history of smoking combined with a lack of participation in physical activities

You and your wife should discuss these diseases’ potential impact on her sexual desire with her primary care physician.

Painful Sex During Menopause

Your Oxytocin Level, Poor Libido, and Menopause

Your wife is not the only one who experiences painful sexual activity during and after menopause. It is estimated that between 17 and 45 percent of postmenopausal women experience painful sex, and several potential explanations exist for this condition.

During menopause, your wife’s body will undergo several significant physical changes, all affecting her sexual encounters. Most of these shifts can be attributed to fluctuating hormone levels, particularly a reduction in the quantity of estrogen produced by her ovaries at that time in her life.

Some of the physical changes she could face with menopause have been detailed above. How some other changes can result in painful sex for her. These include:

  • Atrophy of the vulvovaginal lining
  • Urinating more frequently and experiencing a higher incidence of urinary tract infections
  • Incontinence
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Sleep issues like insomnia

There is a chance that all or some of these unpleasant symptoms could hurt her sex drive, which could change how desirable or joyful she finds a sexual activity to be. She may feel discomfort or outright pain while engaging in sexual activity. Many women go through mood swings and emotional shifts before, during, and after menopause, in addition to the physical changes that occur during this time.

The good news is that despite menopause, there are strategies to maintain a healthy sexual life. After you have determined the reason(s) for your unpleasant sex experiences after menopause, you will be able to investigate several therapeutic alternatives.

Why having sex after menopause can be so painful?

Since estrogen contributes to the lubrication and elasticity of the vaginal walls, vaginal dryness may be the source of pain experienced during sexual activity. A condition known as vaginal atrophy can develop when there is a drop in estrogen levels. This causes the vagina to become thinner, drier, and less elastic.

When combined, dryness of the vaginal lining and constriction of the vaginal opening can make sexual activity uncomfortable or even painful. A disorder known as dyspareunia causes painful or difficult sexual activity. Although this is the most common cause of dyspareunia in postmenopausal women, it is important to note that not all peri menopausal women will experience dyspareunia.

Her primary care physician will be able to evaluate her and look over her symptoms to help determine the main cause of the discomfort or pain her wife feels during sexual activity.

In rare instances, painful sexual activity may result from an abnormality or dysfunction of the pelvic floor. Examples of these conditions include organ prolapse and vaginismus, an involuntary spasm of the vaginal tissues.

Women who have painful intercourse frequently experience anxiety, depression, frustration, and self-consciousness. During menopause, women frequently experience an intensification of these feelings. It is essential to remember that the changes she is experiencing throughout menopause are completely natural, and in many instances, they may be handled easily.

Methods for alleviating the discomfort of sexual encounters

After menopause, it’s not uncommon to experience painful sexual encounters, but that doesn’t mean you and your wife should give up sex altogether. You can treat the symptoms linked with dyspareunia in various ways, some of which you can do on your own and others with the supervision and help of your doctor. Here are some other things you both can try.

Lubricants and Moisturizers

Lubricants and Moisturizers

Moisturizing the vaginal area is one of the simplest ways to alleviate the symptoms of vaginal dryness. Lubricants specifically formulated for sexual activity can make penetration more enjoyable and comfortable. There is a wide variety of lube available; therefore, when selecting one, you should try to pick one with fewer synthetic components, as they might cause further irritation.

Your wife can lessen the amount of vaginal dryness she experiences by using vaginal moisturizers in the time between sexual encounters. She must select a moisturizer developed specifically for the vaginal area. This is because other moisturizers may contain components that should not be applied to the genital region. She can apply the lube or moisturizer directly into her vagina or you can help by applying it on top of your penis before sex.

Low-dose topical estrogen

This is an option that will involve your wife and her doctor. The Doctor can recommend a low-dose topical estrogen cream or pill to be applied to the areas affected by the condition, although this will depend on the severity of her symptoms. The estrogen temporarily relieves symptoms such as discomfort, soreness, stinging, and itching, which are absorbed through the skin and the vaginal mucosa.

Estrogen tablets

Your wife’s physician might recommend taking estrogen pills under certain circumstances as a hormone replacement treatment. If alternative treatments, such as lubricants and topical lotions, have not been successful in alleviating the symptoms, estrogen pills are typically the last resort for women. Estrogen pills are effective in treating a variety of menopause symptoms, including hot flashes.

Only women who have had their uterus surgically removed are eligible to receive a prescription for estrogen-only tablets. In some circumstances, her physician may recommend taking estrogen in combination with progestin to reduce the likelihood of developing uterine cancer.

Hormone replacement therapy in menopausal women has been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. So, see your doctor regularly for checkups if you take estrogen tablets.


Ospemifene is a pharmaceutical medicine that does not include any hormones and is used to treat painful intercourse brought on by vaginal dryness or vaginal atrophy. A doctor can prescribe it.

It is classified as a medication known as a selective estrogen receptor modulator, which can either stimulate estrogen receptors in certain parts of the body or inhibit their activity in others.

Although the FDA has given its blessing to this medication, it should not be taken by anyone with a history of thromboembolism or certain forms of cancer. Before taking it, you should talk to your primary care physician.


Foreplay may be one of the most effective natural cures for unpleasant sexual encounters after menopause. Some women discover that devoting more time to foreplay helps them get in the mood faster and relax their bodies more completely.

So, you, as the husband of a menopausal woman and be of great help in the aspect. Instead of just heading in, try kissing your wife, caressing her. All this will help increase her vaginal secretions, reducing the chances of discomfort and pain during sex.

Foods that can boost libido

Black Raspberries

Eating berries or seeds will significantly alter your state of mind when attempting to get in the mood. Anna Maria Gahns-Clement, Ph.D., and Brian Clement, Ph.D, both authors the book 7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual Vitality say, “This phytochemical-rich cuisine boosts both libido and sexual endurance.”

A few hours before you and your partner are due to tangle in the sheets, have a handful of black raspberries or one tablespoon of the seeds.


Whether you prefer raw, sautéed, or cooked, adding some broccoli to your salad or serving it beside your steak can help you feel more sexually aroused. Keri Glassman, R.D., C.D.N., the founder of Nutritious Life and a registered dietitian, says she recommends it here because of its high amount of vitamin C.

Vitamin C is known to help with blood circulation to organs and has also been related to an improved female libido. This is another reason broccoli is one of the top foods promoting libido in menopausal women (or anybody else).


This sex superfood may be prepared in several ways for cooking. For example, it can be infused into your favorite dish, brewed in hot apple cider, or added to a chai tea latte. Be sure that you discuss it with your significant other as well.

According to Glassman, cloves have also been used to treat male sexual dysfunction in India for hundreds of years. A study published in BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine supports this theory. The study found that normal male rats given clove extracts exhibited increased sexual activity.

Cloves are also used to alleviate foul breath, which certainly won’t hinder your kissing skills. Next time you make Mexican food, it is recommended that you also incorporate some powdered cloves into the dish. A flavorful and versatile aphrodisiac can be made by combining cinnamon and cumin in the right proportions.


Figs offer a straightforward answer to the problem of what to eat when considering what foods can stimulate libido in menopausal women. According to Gahns-Clement and Clement, figs are considered good reproductive stimulants and stimulate the secretion of pheromones. Consume a lot of fruit before engaging in sexual activity, and you’ll see the benefits for yourself.


Researchers from the University of Guelph in Canada concluded that this is likely simply fiction, despite the widespread belief that chocolate is an excellent aphrodisiac, particularly for people who have a penchant for sweet things. There is no link between chocolate and increased sexual performance or desire, even though certain compounds in chocolate, such as phenylethylamine, may elevate serotonin levels and endorphins. If you would like something delicious that will also help stimulate your libido, the best bet is to go with a slice of watermelon.

Even though it is composed of 92 percent water, the remaining 8 percent of fruit is loaded with essential nutrients for maintaining sexual health. According to a Texas A&M Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center study, watermelon has components that give Viagra-like effects to the body’s blood vessels.

It may also even stimulate sexual desire. According to Gahns-Clement and Clement, watermelon includes a phytonutrient called citrulline, which the body converts to arginine, an amino acid that enhances nitric oxide levels in the body. Nitric oxide helps relax blood arteries in the same manner that medicines like Viagra do.


Eggs can be prepared, poached, scrambled, fried, or deviled. After a hard day, eating a few eggs, regardless of how you prepare them, will provide you with the energy you need to go the distance in the dark. Eggs are a great source of stamina due to their high protein content, making them low in calories. In addition, they are a good source of the amino acid L-arginine, which has been demonstrated to be useful in a variety of heart conditions as well as erectile dysfunction.


Ginseng is one of the foods demonstrated via extensive research to boost libido in women. Researchers have found that the University of Hawaii discovered that women who took a supplement rich in ginseng saw a considerable rise in libido within a month, and 68 percent of those women also reported that their general sex life had significantly improved.

Incorporate ginseng into your diet, or give one of the numerous ginseng teas on the market a shot. However, you shouldn’t become too excited with the sight of ginseng. Many energy drinks on the market today boast that they contain ginseng, but in reality, they are loaded with chemicals and excessive sugar.


It’s possible that a light salad and vinegar could increase your sexual desire. According to Gahns-Clement, iceberg lettuce contains an opioid that helps to activate sex hormones. If you snack on a bowl while having supper, you’ll be ready to go by the time you go to bed at night.


Saffron is a delight for your stomach and your wife’s sex life, even though it may be somewhat expensive. Research has found that saffron can enhance sexual performance in both men and women.

Before employing the threads, Glassman suggests soaking them in liquid that has been brought to a boil for fifteen minutes. After that, you may incorporate them into any type of grain, such as rice, quinoa, or barley. You can even incorporate them into a stew or soup.

Exercises that Boost libido

Resistance training

Strength training is often known as an exercise involving lifting weights or other forms of resistance to build stronger muscles. Strength training, as opposed to cardiovascular workouts such as using a treadmill or elliptical machine, is thought by a few knowledgeable individuals to be more effective in increasing libido. One possible explanation is that strength training is more effective in relieving stress than cardiovascular exercise.


Some research and anecdotal evidence show that performing Kegel exercises, which work to strengthen the muscles in the pelvic floor, may help increase desire in both men and women. In most cases, the purpose of these exercises is to assist in reducing issues related to urinary incontinence or bowel control. However, Kegel exercises may strengthen the vaginal muscles in women, resulting in a more intense sexual experience. These activities may assist men in delaying the onset of ejaculatory activity.


For a long time, yogis who practice Ayurvedic yoga have asserted that the discipline treats various sexual diseases. Researchers who carried out a small-scale study later published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine discovered that yoga assisted with premature ejaculation.

As a result, yoga was recommended as a safe and effective alternative to pharmaceuticals. Yoga was found to increase all aspects of women’s sexual function, including desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and discomfort, in another low-powered study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. And these benefits were considerably greater among older women (those aged 45 and up) than younger women.


You and your partner may experience increased pleasure if you get your bodies moving. Any exercise that gets your heart pounding quicker and makes you breathe harder, from brisk walking to cycling, can enhance blood flow, even to your nether regions. Some examples of these activities include: According to a study conducted at the University of Texas, this is beneficial for both sexes since it results in stronger erections for males and more arousal for women.


Another Harvard study found that swimming, which is similar to walking in that it just requires 30 minutes three times per week, may increase a person’s desire to engage in sexual activity. In addition, swimming can result in weight loss, increasing physical endurance, and enhancing sexual endurance.


Aside from developing your upper arms, thighs, and buttocks, this is an excellent approach to developing the transversus abdominis muscle, located in the deepest layer of your abdominal muscles. These muscles support you, enabling you to maintain a close relationship with your partner when and where it matters the most. Perform the activity once daily and work your way up to doing it for at least one minute.

Pelvic Thrust

This action is essential to your chosen position, whether cowgirl or missionary. When you are out of shape, hard pushes can be extremely taxing. Strengthen your endurance and flexibility by working out your hamstrings, glutes, and calves. Pelvic thrusts also help sculpt your booty, making you feel and look better.

10 Things Husbands Can do To Help Their Wife During Menopause

Get Yourself Educated

Education is essential for coping with the symptoms of menopause, regardless of whether you are the loved one going through menopause or the partner or spouse of someone who is. It is important and helpful that you know as much as you can about menopause and what kinds of changes and experiences are typical during this time, including the following things:

  • Mood swings
  • Flashes of heat
  • Sweating at night
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Sleep troubles
  • Weight gain
  • Dry skin
  • thinning of the hair
  • loss of fullness in the breasts

If you understand these facts, you won’t have to ask your spouse questions like “Are you gaining weight?” or “Is your hair thinning?” since you’ll already have the answers. Saying comments like this to a loved one can make them feel embarrassed about themselves or as if they are at fault somehow.

If you are experiencing significant shifts in mood due to menopause, it is important to remember that a decline in hormone levels causes these changes. Instead of bringing this out to someone you care about, consider changing how you respond to it and not taking what they say personally.

Predicting Emotions and Moods

Not everyone entering menopause suffers mood swings. Some people look forward to the change and feel powerful, happy, and positive about it. People going through menopause may feel as if they are receiving their “second wind” and are free to enjoy their lives however they like because the constraints of their monthly cycles no longer bind them.

As the partner of a woman going through menopause, you shouldn’t automatically assume the worst will happen because there’s a chance it won’t. That being said, if you are the one in a foul mood, you shouldn’t automatically attribute it to menopause.

According to one description, mood swings are abrupt and, most of the time, persistent fluctuations in mood that can impair a person’s day-to-day life, including their employment and their relationships.

They are not only isolated instances of having a poor day. If mood swings are a symptom of menopause for either of you, being able to identify them and respond appropriately can help you cope with the symptoms as a couple.

Developing One’s Capabilities in Relationships

Once menopause begins, partners generally do not discuss how to best offer support to one another. This can be a difficult situation, given that partners typically spend more time together after the departure of their children or when one of them is getting closer to retirement age. More time spent together can be both beneficial and problematic for some relationships.

When entering this next chapter of your relationship, it is essential to hone your talents in the art of healthy relationship-building. Begin by discussing menopause and how eager you are to adapt to the changes it can bring.

It is also beneficial to talk about rules that will assist you in getting beyond sudden roadblocks or traumatic experiences. This may require knowledge of:

  • When your partner needs some alone time to themselves
  • When your partner needs assistance
  • When it is appropriate to withdraw from a confrontation
  • How to have calm conversations about feelings when things get difficult

This way, you can bolster a connection by reiterating that you are with your partner. Taking an interest in the activities that your loved one enjoys might also be of assistance.

The Art of Verbal Interaction

Engaging in conversation with a person going through menopause is critical, even though communication may not come easily to you. If you let a loved one know that you want to be of assistance to them, then at the very least, your spouse will be aware that you are on their team. Ask yourself, “How can I make things better?” It is a simple question that can frequently be helpful. You can also try the following other things:

Practice Patience

If someone you care about tells you they cannot control themselves, you should take them at their word and exercise patience. Patience is necessary for the near term and in the long run. Menopause is not a problem that must be solved but rather a change in life that enables you and your partner to get ready for the next chapter of your relationship together.

Having a good sense of humor might be helpful. Keeping a healthy sense of humor might serve as a gentle reminder to the person you care about that your relationship can still be enjoyable. (However, take caution not to wield comedy as a weapon to convey sarcasm or as an outlet for your frustrations.)

Avoid Personalizing Moods

Avoid taking your partner’s distress upon yourself if they become agitated. Give your spouse permission to be angry, upset, or disappointed, and make an effort to listen without passing judgment on what they are saying. A significant step in turning a mood swing into a dispute is communicating that you comprehend what’s happening.

If someone is attacking you personally during an argument or confrontation, you should suggest that it might be time for you to go away because of how you feel (rather than what your partner is doing).

Express Approval

Don’t keep things bottled up inside. This is the time to learn how to show gratitude and admiration, especially if you are not naturally good at doing so. Don’t fall for the tired old cliche that describes you as the strong, silent type.

Don’t hesitate to say if you think your partner is attractive. Remind them of the characteristics that brought you together as a pair and continue to keep you together now. You may also organize a surprise dinner or present for someone on occasion as a way to show your appreciation for them.

You should be honest that you find it difficult to offer compliments, but you should attempt to do so. The effort means more than you can think, and showing appreciation may become second nature if you do it often enough.

Exercise regularly

Make a sweaty date with your significant other because research shows that couples who work out stay together. According to numerous studies, physically taxing activities are the source of arousal. After an exercise, not only will you be more attractive to yourself, but also your spouse. To deepen the emotional connection you share, it is beneficial to coordinate your actions (for instance, to run at the same tempo).

There is not enough evidence regarding whether or not exercise is useful in treating hot flashes and night sweats.

On the other hand, there is evidence to support the various advantages of regular exercises, such as the benefits of exercise regimens based on Pilates. These benefits include increased vitality and metabolism, improved joint and bone health, lower stress levels, and enhanced sleep quality.

For instance, a study conducted in Korea to investigate the effects of a walking exercise program that lasted for twelve weeks found that the exercise improved physical and mental health and overall quality of life in a group of forty menopausal women who participated in the study.

Regular physical activity is connected with improved general health and protection against various diseases and ailments, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and osteoporosis.

People who have passed the age of menopause have a markedly elevated risk of developing cardiovascular disease; numerous studies indicate that engaging in consistent physical activity has the potential to mitigate this risk.

Make her realize how stunning she is.

As they progress through menopause, many women report feeling less feminine than they formerly did. Some people express regret for having lost their ability to have children. Others may notice that their weight increases despite continuing their typical food and exercise habits. This may be the case. When you combine that with the persistent hot flashes, it’s as if the body’s function is in overdrive, and you have a recipe for a lady who is miserable and covered in sweat.

Reminding your wife that she has beautiful features is a terrific way to help her feel better about herself. You might even recommend a night out on the town, such as a slow-paced meal with a glass of wine or a night spent on the couch watching movies or playing cards.

Recognize that menopause is not a permanent condition

Even though menopause may feel like a curse that keeps on giving, you can take solace that things will eventually get better. Although the transition towards menopause can take up to eight years or so, the majority of women only experience their symptoms at their worst for about two years during this time.

Advice on Sexual Matters

During the menopausal years of a woman, when the libido can decrease, and one partner may want sex more than the other, a common difficulty that couples have relates to sexual intimacy.

Finding a happy medium between sexuality and closeness in a relationship can be challenging. Instead of making sexual activity the unbreakable rule, you should focus on maintaining close physical proximity to one another for a while. Ask your wife what makes them happy, and then offer to do that. All it takes to keep the two of you linked may be the occasional shoulder massage or foot treatment.

Changes in the vaginal area during menopause can occasionally make sexual activity uncomfortable or even painful. If your partner is experiencing pain during sexual activity, you should encourage her to consult her doctor. Some therapies, such as estrogen cream, may be of use.

Don’t Run From the Signs

The common perception among males is that they should just hunker down, keep their heads down, and wait for the storm to pass. However, the hormonal shifts associated with perimenopause and menopause can sometimes continue far into later years. One advice you can follow as the husband to a menopausal woman is to know yourself and play to your talents.

  • If you’re a guy who’s open-minded and empathetic, then pay close attention.
  • If you’re good with their hands, just ask her what specific things you can do to assist, and then go ahead and do those things.

Do some research on hormone therapy, install ceiling fans in every area of the home, and be prepared to cut the party short if she starts sweating through her clothes (it might be time to buy some menopausal clothes). Simply refrain from offering counsel, and do not ignore the issue in the vain expectation that it will go away.

Some Useful Advice

In addition to having a good education and the ability to communicate. A person going through menopause might benefit greatly from being aware of several helpful pointers that can make daily living easier.

Make an Offer to Assist

Your loved one may experience increased anxiety and become more easily overwhelmed due to menopause. When life gets stressful, sometimes the simplest activities, like washing the dishes or tidying the living room, can help lessen the burden.

In addition, it is helpful to plan. Things that disrupt a person’s typical routine can lead to feelings of stress. Talk about what you can do to alleviate some of the strain if there is anything that can generate stress and anxiety for example, repairing anything in the house, having relatives come to visit, or having a deadline at work. Remember, prevention, as they say, is better than cure.

Manage Sleep Problems

Discussing solutions to problems falling asleep or staying asleep, such as insomnia, which is prevalent in women who have menopause, is a good idea. In cases when sleep apnea is present, this may involve looking into CPAP therapy and improving sleep hygiene behaviors.

If you, as the partner, have a problem sleeping, such as snoring, you can assist your loved one who has insomnia by occasionally sleeping in the guest room. Nothing beats a restful night’s sleep when it comes to elevating one’s disposition.

Together, Let’s Improve Our Health

Foster good health in the person you care about. Not only will doing so make them healthier, but it will also likely enhance their emotions and cause them to feel differently about themselves.

Don’t just watch the action from the sidelines. Participating in a fitness program makes starting with any of them much simpler. Offer to go nightly walks or weekend bike excursions. These could become a wholesome habit that you can both look forward to and feel good about.

The same is true for getting rid of excess weight. Share the experience with your partner rather than forcing them to follow a different diet on their own. If you don’t have to worry about your weight, you can increase the calories you consume while still sharing the same meal with the person you care about.


Both the woman going through menopause and the guy she is with may face unexpected difficulties due to the transition. Communication, sensitivity, and an awareness of the physiological and psychological impact menopause can have on a woman are required to successfully navigate these issues together as a couple.

In certain circumstances, knowing when to seek assistance is also necessary. If you and your wife talk about the path you want, you’ll figure out how to get there no matter which route you choose.

Melissa Carroll
Melissa Carroll

Over the past 25 years, I’ve cultivated my professional skills in healthcare sales and marketing to help healthcare practices provide better care and a more satisfying experience overall. I am a lifelong student of wellness, nutrition and alternative therapies. When I’m not helping providers, you can find me with my children or at our gym helping members reach their wellness goals. My passion is helping people achieve more in their lives. Whether personal or professional, it all comes together for happier living.

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