Menopause and Menstrual Cycle Symptoms: It May Not Be Hormonal | John Douillard’s LifeSpa

Menopause and Menstrual Cycle Symptoms: It May Not Be Hormonal | John Douillard’s LifeSpa

The Ayurvedic perspective on painful periods, water retention, and more considers lymph system congestion a primary culprit. Here, helpful suggestions for how to identify and deal with premenstrual and menopausal problems.

In This Article:

The Role of Hormones in Menstruation and Menopause

Over the years, I’ve worked with countless women suffering from uncomfortable or painful menstrual cycles. Studies have shown that menstrual pain can lead to a decreased quality of life, and that more 40% of women of childbearing age are affected by PMS symptoms.1,2 Often, the same women who experience problematic periods throughout their childbearing years also experience more symptoms during menopause.

Many of these women have been led to believe that their issues are hormonal. Birth control pills are prescribed for painful or heavy periods2-6, and bio-identical hormones have become the Holy Grail for women during their menopausal years.7

Interestingly, there is often a simple Ayurvedic protocol for balanced menstruation and menopause that doesn’t involve any hormones, or natural or herbal hormonal precursors. In fact, from an Ayurvedic standpoint, in many cases, the problem may not be hormonal at all.

Keep reading to discover a natural therapy that may address the root of uncomfortable menstrual issues.

The Role of Lymph: The Waste Remover

The lymph system is the largest circulatory system in the body and is critically important for optimal health. Lymph channels drain waste from all parts of the body.8 When these drains become congested, it’s as though a traffic jam occurs in your body, and it can take a toll.

The female reproductive system is drained by a complex array of lymphatics12 that, according to Ayurveda, are extremely active as a premenstrual detox, building momentum from ovulation to the start of menstrual flow. According to Ayurveda, when women menstruate, reproductive waste is removed through the lymph prior to actual menses. If the lymph system is congested from years of poor digestion, a sedentary lifestyle, and a host of other lymphatic congestive catalysts, lymph can back up in the reproductive organs and the menstrual cycle may become painful, irregular, overly heavy, or even absent.

Rising levels of progesterone also contribute to water retention and a possible aggravation of the lymph system and PMS symptoms. Congested lymph brings with it symptoms typically associated with the menstrual cycle, including breast swelling or tenderness, bloating, water retention, and breakouts, especially around the mouth and chin. While these are considered a normal part of the menstrual experience in the West, according to Ayurveda, these are signs that your lymph system is overly congested  pre-menstrually, when lymph is being called upon to support your cycle.

With just a basic understanding of the lymphatic drainage system, we can see why.

Premenstrual Symptoms of Lymph Congestion

Here is how lymphatic system congestion can manifest:

1. Swollen and Tender Breasts

The breasts are a concentration of lymphatic tissue and lymphatic fluid. If the lymph in the body is congested at the time of menstruation, the lymph tissue and fluid may swell, causing breast swelling or tenderness.

2. Skin Issues

When lymph is congested, your skin may be employed as a backup exit ramp for impurities. Just beneath the skin is the skin-associated lymphoid tissue, or SALT. This tissue functions as a defense against any toxic substance, bacteria, virus, or parasite that tries to penetrate the skin.9 If the lymph is congested during menstruation, the SALT may also clog. Instead of draining the skin, it may result in breakouts and other types of skin irritation.

3. Diarrhea, Constipation, and other Intestinal Issues

Just like the skin on the outside of our bodies, the epitheliumthe skin that lines the intestinal tract—is drained by a massive concentration of lymph called the gut-associated lymphoid tissue, or GALT. This is the highest concentration of lymph in the body. 10

During menstruation, clogged GALT, commonly caused by digestive issues, can create bloating, belly fat, hypersensitivity, elevated histamine reaction to environmental irritants, temporary joint discomfort, tiredness, mild headaches, skin issues, and reproductive imbalances

4. Respiratory Issues

The respiratory tract is also lined with a type of skin that is drained by mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, or MALT. If the lymph is not moving properly during menstruation, this can result in an imbalance of the respiratory mucous membranes, compromising the efficiency of the entire upper respiratory system.11

Further Signs of Lymph Congestion

How to Improve Lymphatic Flow & Function

The quality, duration, comfort level and timing of menses offer a monthly opportunity to evaluate your lymphatic function. If any of the symptoms mentioned above are experienced during (or exacerbated by) menstruation, it may be a sign of a lymphatic flow issue.

When I evaluate reproductive or menstrual problems, I look for other symptoms that are classically related to lymph to help determine if the condition is actually a hormonal issue or one based on poor lymphatic circulation.

Here is a list of simple things you can do at home every day to improve lymphatic flow and function:

Eat more fruits and veggies and lessen the amount of meats, breads, grains, dairy, processed food, and junk food. Try to shoot for a diet that is two-thirds alkaline and one-third acidic foods.

Manjistha (rubia cordifolia) is the herb that is most effective in helping de-stagnate lymph. I have used this herb successfully for years in support of lymph-related reproductive issues. Manjistha is one of Ayurveda’s most effective antioxidants, which are active in the body’s lymphatic system.13

Red root, an active ingredient in LifeSpa’s Lymph Cleanse tincture, is perhaps one of the best lymph decongestive herbs available. It works best to offset the age-related accumulation of fibrous tissue.14

Sip plain, hot water every 10-15 minutes throughout the day for two weeks. Drink 1/2 your ideal body weight in ounces of room temperature water a day.

In Ayurveda, skin brushing is called Garshana. Raw silk gloves are used to exfoliate the skin. With vigorous brushing, the silk gloves also create static electricity, which is known to alkalize the blood and help move lymph.

Daily massage in Ayurveda is called abhyanga. A blend of herbs cooked into sesame oil is traditionally used to massage the body daily to enhance lymphatic flow.

Listen to the Podcast: Ayurveda for Women’s Health

You can find the episode here, or watch the recording below:

This content was originally published here.

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