MenoWhat? A Memoir, book reviews, menopause, humor, D.G. Kaye

MenoWhat? A Memoir, book reviews, menopause, humor, D.G. Kaye

Navigating Menopause with Poise and Humor 

I wish I’d had this book when I was going through menopause! It would have validated all I was feeling and given me some inventive ways of coping with the inevitable changes looming on the threshold of female maturity.

In her memoir, Meno-What?  D.G. Kaye speaks frankly about the hormonal changes that launch a war against our physical, emotional, and behavioral stability. She humorously refers to them as the “meno dragons,” a term that will be appreciated by any woman who has reached this stage in life.

Kaye outlines, chapter by chapter, the various changes that challenge our bodies as well as our sanity and self-image. With candor and humor, she tells us how each change affected her body, threatened her vanity, and braced her determination to face each one with an eye toward melioration.

She coins some pretty hilarious terms in describing these changes. “Circumference expansion” and “meno muffin” refer to our broadening midsections. “Fatback” and “muffin tops” describe the love handles bestowed to our bra lines. “Bottoms down” laments the loss of firmness in our posteriors. “Fred Flintstone feet” bemoans the abhorrent increase in shoe size. And “the Sahara effect” aptly portrays those dreaded, uncomfortable hot flashes.

Avowing “That isn’t going to happen to me” did not preclude menopausal changes for the author, but it did firm her resolve to deal with them naturally and creatively. When all is said and done, Kaye states, “. . . we should always just be grateful that we are still on the right side of the green.”

Being an R.N., I knew quite well what lay ahead in my life. What I didn’t know was how menopause would affect me personally. Chock-full of helpful hints, this book serves as both an eye-opener and a lifesaver. It is compact, easily read within an hour or two, and I couldn’t recommend it more highly.

on September 4, 2016
I’ve been following the charismatic D.G.Kaye on various social media outlets for a while now. I found her so charming and supportive of other authors that I knew I’d like anything she wrote. I enjoyed this read, and found its tone lively and accessible. For such a sensitive subject, D.G. Kaye found an engaging delivery by personalizing her story. Interjected with her tried and true natural remedies, Ms. Kaye has written a book that is, in parts, fun, funny, sensitive, and informative. This is definitely a book that could be classified as esoteric, but WAIT for it. Sooner or later, if you’re female, you’ll be glad author D.G.Kaye wrote this honest and enlightening book!
This was an easy, well written, quick read, and a book that I could relate to. As someone who is facing/enduring meno-what? I appreciated all of the helpful hints regarding things to look for and suggestions on HOW to deal with them. I found this to be very interesting and informative. Thanks for writing this and sharing your story, it was so helpful.
My wife read Meno-What on our vacation. She was engaged in the content since it reassured her symptoms she thought were indicative of series health conditions were, in fact, indicative of normal maturation of her body. Although we realize the author is not a doctor, we are grateful for the peace of mind and the knowledge that Kaye’s book gave her.

5.0 out of 5 stars What a fabulous book! July 19, 2014

Everything in this book relating to the menopausal symptoms made me relate and laugh at myself! Kaye has provided me with such helpful tips, and as I am still going through the process, I will be trying a few. D.G Kaye is a great writer……there was never a dull moment and she had me wanting to read more. I couldn’t put the book down until I finished it! I also read Kaye’s first and fabulous memoir and I can’t wait to read her third book! I’m definitely a fan!!!! AR

5.0 out of 5 stars Meno-What?? July 19, 2014

I will start off by saying that this book is hilarious! & Being someone who is still in their early 20’s, this book has taught me that even when life brings you hard times, to look at the good side of it. D.G. Kaye is an amazing writer who captures her audience of all ages. Very interesting read and I cannot wait for more books to come out by D.G. Kaye! Keep up the great work! NH

5.0 out of 5 stars A Funny Book About Menopause June 29, 2014

Can menopause be fun? According to D.G. Kaye it can. You don’t have to be in peri-meno or meno or post meno to appreciate this fast read. D.G. Kaye takes us on a ride through the various symptoms of the “meno dragon” from hot flashes to losing hair to swollen feet and of course, mood swings: “Seriously, what do people think sleeping for only ten minutes out of every twenty, night after night, will do to our tolerance levels?’ Meno-What? is funny material (think Nora Ephron) but also beneath it serious survival tactics from homeopathic remedies, skin care products and what to wear in the hot flash war. “My flashes were like a rush of seething flames through the core of my body straight up to my head. It felt as though I should have been able to life a lid off my head to let the steam escape.” Read this book. It’s a hoot! (does anyone say hoot anymore?) Mourning Has BrokenMourning Has BrokenMissi’s Dating Adventures

5.0 out of 5 stars A make you smile and nod your head and laugh out loud kind of book!, June 16, 2014

This review is from: Meno-What? A Memoir: Memorable Moments Of Menopause (Kindle Edition)

This one was an EASY read for me! I could not put it down and didn’t till the last page! Not only is it filled with humor, it has some great information! I found myself nodding my head a LOT! I feel it will be a great seller for those in the throws of a very confusing time in life. I lucked out, for some reason I have never experienced the HOT flashes but wasn’t so blessed to miss out on all the other chapters of this book! We have groups for everything. Grief and Loss groups and such and there is something about gathering in a group that can relate to whatever you are going through! THIS book does that! You feel as if you can relate and are not alone! This author writes as if you are talking over an iced tea with a friend! I love her humor and look forward to her next book! I am a fan!

5.0 out of 5 stars Informative Humour…Does it get any better? 🙂, July 6, 2014

This review is from: Meno-What? A Memoir: Memorable Moments Of Menopause (Kindle Edition)

D G Kaye’s books are always like sitting down for coffee with an old friend. Her stories are comfortable, interesting, enlightening and laugh filled conversations and isnt that what we all want? Meno-What doesnt talk down to the audience but instead is inclusive and warm and even though i had gone through this stage years ago, I found myself nodding in agreement or saying..OMG..was that what that was?!! I have even adopted some of her suggestions for skin care. You wont regret spending your time or money sitting down with the entertaining friend that DG Kaye has become.

5.0 out of 5 stars Loved it!!!, July 21, 2014
This review is from: Meno-What? A Memoir: Memorable Moments Of Menopause (Kindle Edition)

Let me tell you that this beautiful woman has a way with words. And she will make you laugh as she describes what it’s like to go through menopause. Anyone that can make you laugh while going through menopause is alright in my book.

D.G Kaye writes about trying to keep her sanity while her hormones are raging. This is something most women can relate too. There’s memory loss, hot flashes, dry spells, and even the dreaded hair loss. She writes all this and so much more in a fun and informative way. This book is filled with lot’s of love and even more laughter.

D.G. tells you how to take life as it comes and she pulls no punches. She’s a Canuck from Canada that writes from the heart. If you know someone who’s just had a hysterectomy buy this book. In fact every woman reaching that menopause age needs a copy..

5 out of 5 Stars Humorous and informative memoir

on November 15, 2015
What a treat of a memoir. For men it helps to learn about one horrendous phenomenon that women are punished with, and for women to be warned or reminded of what is to come, and most of all: for all of us to laugh. As the author puts is herself: Laughter is the best medicine, especially in something so unpredictable and unavoidable as the menopause.
Kaye writes with her signature style of honesty and humour, not pulling her punches and telling it is like it is. She describes the stages of the menopause and how she dealt with them and what the alternatives are; all the while keeping it light-hearted.
A quote: “this menopause **** is going to cost you extra bucks in the beauty department..”
Hers is a refreshing and wonderful approach. Having lived through it and having ridden the storm the natural way, she shares a lot of well researched information that led to her chosen and described choices in the battle with the menopause.
I must say, I did not expect this subject to be so enjoyable to read as it is. This contains sound advice, is practical and has a welcome focus on the best way to deal with this emotionally.
Christoph Fischer –
Meno-What? A Memoir: Memorable Moments Of Menopause” by D.G. Kaye is a superbly written, entertaining and useful memoir that combines personal experience and well researched knowledge with helpful guidance, both practical and inpirational. Kaye shares her own experiences and provides important facts.
You should definitely read this, whether you need the advice or just want to have an informative and humorous read. Upbeat and entertaining this is a far cry from the book I had expected to read. This isn’t a miserablew ‘poor me’book but an inspiration.”


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