Mindfulness for the Menopause


Dr. Clarissa Hughes is the CEO and founder of The Little Breathing Space and an accredited mindfulness coach & the author of The Mindful Menopause: The Secret to Balance, Vitality and Clarity Through the Change joins eHealth Radio and the Female Health & Health & Wellness Coaching Channels.

Listen to interview with host Eric Michaels & guest Dr. Clarissa Hughes discuss the following:

Dr Clarissa Hughes is the CEO and founder of The Little Breathing Space based in Göteborg, Sweden. She is the author of The Mindful Menopause: The Secret to Balance, Vitality, and Clarity Through the Change. She has a passion for working with busy business people through tailored mindfulness coaching to help them find their optimal stress levels and to be able to better navigate the demands of modern life skillfully. Her coaching empowers them to develop a higher capacity to feel clear-headed, confident and thriving in a life that reflects their purpose.

Clarissa has been a senior manager in some of the world’s largest multinationals in the UK and Asia-Pacific for over 28 years. She suffered a burnout due to stress and found her way back to a calmer, more connected life through mindfulness.

Clarissa is an accredited Breathworks Mindfulness practitioner, iRest Yoga Nidra teacher has experience and an academic background in human behavior.

She is a keynote speaker at leadership conferences, hosts the podcast ‘A Little Breathing Space’, a featured contributor to BizCatalyst360 magazine and regularly appears in articles, podcasts, and radio interviews internationally talking all things mindfulness.

Clarissa believes that mindfulness is more than daily meditation – it is a way of living with compassionate self-awareness so that we can truly thrive.

The views, ideas, thoughts and opinions expressed on any program are those of the persons appearing on the program and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the eHealth Radio Network.

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