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  • Menopause Association


Kindra: The New P&G-Backed DTC Player in the Menopause Category

The Menopause Treatment Market is projected to reach $3.3BN by 2023, posting 4.2% CAGR from 2017 to 2023, according to MRFR. Destigmatizing menopause and capturing this opportunity...

9 Symptoms Of Menopause That Most Women Overlook

The menopause phase in every woman’s life is certainly nothing short of a crazy, bumpy trip, isn’t it? There’s no defined start or endpoint for...

009: Shirley Plant on Ways Keto Can Make Menopause Easier

These are the main reasons behind why people feel fatigued – and how a keto diet helps people regain energy. This content was originally published...

Natural Aids for Menopause

Menopause happens to every lady from age 60 and above, it can come earlier though due to some factors; it is a natural biological process...

Custom-compounded bioidentical HT for menopause symptoms may yield ‘abnormally high’ hormone levels

Pellet hormone therapy, a solid custom-compounded bioidentical estrogen therapy that is inserted under the skin, may be less safe than FDA-approved HT therapies for postmenopausal...

These 5 unexpected changes could be caused by the menopause

These are the things that are happening inside your body Hot flashes, some extra kilo’s, and sleepless nights: the menopause is very uncomfortable for most...

Could Menopause Be Disrupting Your Sleep?

The hormonal fluctuations that occur during menopause can lead to a variety of symptoms, the most common of which are hot flashes and weight gain....

Dealing with Menopause at Work | The M Dash

December 20, 2019 | Filed in: Your Career Menopause. It’s not a word you hear tossed around the office very much. This is despite the...

Frozen Shoulder Syndrome and Menopause: Our Secret Pain No One Talks About

What is Frozen Shoulder and how is does it relate to feminism? I promise you there’s a connection. First, a bit of time travel. Nothing...

Hot Flash: What Heat Does To Your Body

Especially those (that be me) over 50 Is it hot enough for you? It is for me. Too damn hot. And, if you happen to...

Helpful Tips for Dryness After Hysterectomy or Menopause

Women and their partners are often faced with vaginal dryness after a hysterectomy or after a woman is past menopause. McLeod Gynecologist Paul Chandler, MD,...

Hot flashes? Night sweats? Progesterone can help reduce symptoms of menopause

Credit: CC0 Public Domain Intense and frequent night sweats zapped my vitality during perimenopause, the transition to menopause. I would wake in the night feeling...

Menopause and Sleep: Managing your Sleep with Menopause Supplements – It’s Free At Last

The menopause is the next stage in the life cycle for women. However, just as during puberty, hormone fluctuations can play havoc with your body,...

Premature menopause increases the risk of multiple health problems in your 60s

Credit: Human Reproduction Women who experience premature menopause are almost three times more likely to develop multiple, chronic medical problems in their 60s compared to...

5 things every woman should know about menopause

Menopause is a process when a woman’s menstrual periods stop for 12 months. It typically happens between ages 45 and 55. As women grow older,...

Menopause and joint pain: What is the connection?

Joint pain often occurs at the same time as menopause and it affects many women. While there is no clear reason for these achy and...

More depression reported by women with premature menopause, current HT use

Among a large cohort of Canadian women, premature menopause and current use of hormone therapy were associated with self-reported depression, according to results from a...

Taraji P. Henson Talks Menopause, Mental Health, and Mature Relationships, and We Feel Seen

“Celebs—they’re just like us!” is a phrase we collectively toss around in jest, but every so often a celebrity reminds us exactly how human they...

Cheryl Hines Wants You to Talk About Your Sex Life During Menopause | HealthyWomen

Cheryl Hines’s character, Cheryl David, on Curb Your Enthusiasm certainly has many awkward conversations on the show with co-star and on-screen husband, Larry David. Anyone...

Menopause might be a tipping point for Alzheimer’s for millions of women | Genetic Literacy Project

The GLP Needs Your Help It is easier than ever for advocacy groups to spread disinformation on pressing science issues, such as the ongoing coronavirus...

Menopause and Weight Loss for Women Over 40: What You Need to Know

Menopause and weight loss are arch enemies…or so we are told to believe. Weight loss after 40 seems to come to a screeching halt after menopause...

Why do women gain weight during menopause?

Credit: kudla/ Shutterstock For most women, perimenopause—the transition to menopause—begins in their 40s. The entire menopause process typically lasts around four years and begins with...

The Upside to Menopause

The Upside to Menopause By Beth Battaglino, RN, CEO of HealthyWomen Share on: September is Menopause Awareness Month. Does that make you nervous? There are...

4 Proven Ways to Get Rid of Belly Fat After Menopause

It strikes without warning. One day you’re strolling along, thinking you’re finally getting the hang of this thing called ‘life,’ when – BAM! – it...

How I Came to Terms With My Final Period & Menopause

It sounds like an oxymoron, but there are two ambiguities that I’ve always thought were largely certain for most women. We can’t predict when our...

Navigating Your Way Through Menopause | Lipstick Lifestyle

Menopause can surely be a crazy time in a woman’s life. Not only does it signal the fact that she can no longer procreate, she...

Dietary Tips To Ease Through Menopause

There is no question that perimenopause and menopause mark a time of change and adaptation for the body. Moreover, the extent or severity of accompanying symptoms...

Taking control of stress and menopause symptoms

It’s another one of those chicken-or-the-egg dilemmas…do bothersome menopause symptoms create stress or does stress bring on menopause symptoms? The correct answer might not matter...

Early menopause is not linked to intense physical activity

There are no links between early menopause and the amount of physical activity that women undertake, says a new study. Until now, there have been...

How long were you in menopause? If you are in menopause, how long ago did it start?

You know menopause is coming. It’s a natural part of being a woman. What you don’t know is how long it will last. Menopause occurs...

This New Procedure Can Delay The Menopause, But What Does That Mean? | Glamour UK

In radical women’s health news, IVF pioneer Professor Simon Fishel has unveiled an innovative procedure to delay the menopause by decades. Announced in The Sunday...

NutraCast Podcast: Carrie Mapes on cannabis and menopause

Although it directly affects half the population, menopause has remained a stubbornly taboo topic. Slowly but surely, more companies are tapping into the market and putting...

How Menopause Is an Opportunity to Reset Your Habits (And Prevent Weight Gain)

For many women, the journey through menopause is a roller coaster of symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, sleep disturbance, dry and itchy skin, mood...

Peri-Menopause and Your Thyroid | Hypothyroid Mom

Peri-menopause. Oh how I hate it. It all started for me at age 43 with a major shift in my menstrual cycles and then came...

Are you suffering from the ‘menopause mimic’ or the real deal? – Easy Health Options

During my late teen years, winter car rides usually meant driving with the front window down. ALL the way down. Even when it was snowing...

Tackling cognitive difficulties during menopause

Every day, about 6,000 American women enter menopause. The average woman enters menopause at age 51, but perimenopause symptoms typically begin four years earlier, according...

‘Menopause’ not just a hot flash in the pan

What happens when women stop being polite and start getting real? At the Fox Theater on Oct. 3, it will be “Menopause the Musical,” a...

Drugs are bad for your bones: Women can get osteoporosis even before menopause, if they take these drugs –

(Natural News) Osteoporosis — a disease marked by weak and brittle bones —  is often associated with older women, especially those who have gone through...

Have you found it hard to manage stress during menopause? What helps you manage stress?

With all that’s going on in your life, it’s possible you feel stressed far too often. That can be especially true with menopause in the...

Can Early Menopause Increase Risk of Cardiovascular Disease?

Early menopause is defined as menopause that occurs when a woman is between the ages of 40 and 45 years old. While the most common...

Menopause and Belly Fat | HealthyWomen

Share on:   You might already be dealing with things like hot flashes, night sweats and mood swings. So, why do you also have to...

AARP Recognizes Menopause Care Gap | HealthyWomen

I spent a lot of years providing prenatal care and delivering babies for hundreds of women, and I loved doing that. But, about a decade...

Nearly half of women with HIV lack support to manage menopause

Credit: World Bank (Flickr) Women with HIV are failing to get the support they need during menopause, according to a new study led by UCL. ...

Does Exercise Affect When You Go Through Menopause?

Menopause, far from being a health condition or disease, is a gateway into the second half of life, a life filled with opportunity and new...

Graphic designer, 30, reveals the heartbreaking reality of the premature menopause diagnosis

Lorena Beatriz, now 30, born in Brazil, but lives on the Gold Coast, Queensland, stopped taking the birth control pill at the age of 23...

Women, beware. Early periods and menopause linked to heart disease

Women who start menstruating at the age of 11 or younger, or enter menopause before 47, face a higher risk of heart disease and stroke,...

The Impact of Menopause on Sexual Well-Being and How to Cope

This article first appeared in the Winter 2019 issue of NewBeauty. Click here to subscribe. Menopause largely impacts our sex organs and sexuality, resulting in a variety...

Vaginal Laser Therapy Comparable to Vaginal Estrogen Therapy for Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause

A multi-institutional, randomized trial comparing fractionated CO2 laser therapy with vaginal estrogen therapy for the treatment of vaginal dryness and genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM)...

Are you suffering from the ‘menopause mimic’ or the real deal? – Easy Health Options®

During my late teen years, winter car rides usually meant driving with the front window down. ALL the way down. Even when it was snowing...

Menopause Party: We Threw One To Celebrate | Chatelaine

(Photo: Getty) My friend Kathryn organizes a twice-yearly clothing swap. A few years ago she stopped, and I’ve been amassing ridiculous amounts of jeans and...

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