Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause

Vitamin B12 is important for healthy nerve cells and blood and is also needed to make DNA, the genetic material in every body cell. Vitamin B12 is an important nutrient that can mostly be found in meat, fish, and dairy products. It is often mixed with other B vitamins; a lab can make it.

Vitamin B12 is important for proper functioning and brain, nerves, and blood cell growth. Most people take vitamin B12 because their blood has too much homocysteine, they have been poisoned by cyanide, or they don’t get enough vitamin B12.

During menopause, the most obvious signs of a lack of B12 are Weakness, Problems with remembering and thinking, Negative feelings, such as apathy, sadness, and anger, digestion problems, trouble falling asleep, feeling like your heart is beating too fast, all the time, tingling, numbness, and other nerve-like feelings that aren’t normal, like burning feet, coordination problems, trouble keeping your balance, or trouble walking, shaking, dizziness, breathing difficulty, inflammation, and redness of the tongue, depression, loss of appetite, heart trouble, bone loss.

Menopause can lead to poor health, and deficiencies in B vitamins have increased the risk of stroke, heart disease, and dementia in older adults. It’s important to tell the difference between menopausal symptoms and those caused by a lack of nutrients because the two are often mistaken for each other.

People have said that B vitamins like B-6 and B-12 help the brain work better. Some women may have memory loss, trouble focusing, and general cognitive dysfunction during menopause (often known as “brain fog”). Whether a woman goes through menopause or not, getting enough of these vitamins may lower her chance of getting dementia in the long run.

During the transition to menopause, depression seems to get worse. Vitamin B-6 has been shown to lower the risk of depression in older people, and one study suggests that this benefit also applies to women going through menopause.

Vitamin B12 is important for proper functioning and brain, nerves, and blood cell growth. The part of vitamin B12 that does the body’s work is called methylcobalamin. Most people take cyanocobalamin as a supplement, which needs to be changed by the body.

Most people take vitamin B-12 because their blood has too much homocysteine, they have been poisoned by cyanide, or they don’t get enough vitamin B12. There is little to no reliable scientific evidence to support its use to treat canker sores, cataracts, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, fatigue, and a wide range of other conditions.

Vitamin B12 needs to be absorbed in two steps. This vitamin is linked to protein in the food we eat. The hydrochloric acid in the stomach breaks apart the chemical bonds between vitamin B12 and this protein. The vitamin then joins forces with another protein in the stomach (called the intrinsic factor). After that, it goes into the body.

Osteoporosis can happen if you lose bone mineral density, and studies have shown that people with low levels of vitamins B-2, B-6, and B-12 may be at a higher risk.

Vitamin B12 has a lot of awesome benefits in the body. Below are the top 10 awesome benefits of vitamin b12:

  • It helps develop red blood cells:

Vitamin B 12 and folate help the body make more red blood cells. When you don’t have enough vitamin B12, your red blood cells don’t divide properly, so they get too big. Because of this, it is hard to get them out of the bone marrow. As a result, fewer red blood cells in the body may carry oxygen, making you tired and weak. This disease, also called “pernicious anemia,” can harm the brain, heart, and other body parts if it is not treated.

Without vitamin B-12, the body can’t make red blood cells. A lack of vitamin B12 also leads to red blood cells that are bigger and oval-shaped, while healthy red blood cells are very small and round.

  • It helps to burn fat

Some research suggests that vitamin B12 helps turn fat into energy. Getting enough vitamin B12 has also been linked to a lower risk of gaining weight and becoming obese.

One case study suggests that keeping the amount of vitamin B12 in the blood healthy could help fight obesity. These show a link between vitamin B12 levels and body weight.

Some research suggests that taking vitamins could help you burn more calories throughout the day, which could help you lose weight.

  • It is good for the skin

Lack of vitamin B12 has been linked to changes in the skin. Most people say that they have hyperpigmentation. This deficiency also shows up on the skin as vitiligo and other skin diseases.

Vitamin B12 can help with some very bad skin diseases. One study found that a vitamin B12 ointment could help ease the symptoms of eczema. Especially in the case of eczema in children, this was the case.

  • It is good for your Heart

There is evidence that vitamin B-12 could help treat heart disease. Because it can lower homocysteine, an amino acid whose high levels have been linked to a higher risk of ischemic heart disease, this vitamin has been studied to see if it might be good for the heart.

B vitamin deficiencies are linked to higher homocysteine levels and stroke risk; This could lead to lower long-term costs for expensive medical procedures. Having a healthier heart has been linked to a drop in homocysteine levels. Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood in high amounts and has been linked to a higher risk of heart disease.

  • It helps manage diabetes 

Vitamin B-12 may help with diabetic retinopathy; You can stop retinopathy if the blood has enough vitamin B12.

Even more interesting, metformin, often used to treat diabetes, may cause vitamin B12 deficiency. Especially in the case of diabetes, this could mean that you need to take a supplement. People with type 1 diabetes can get pernicious anemia if they don’t get enough of this vitamin.

  • It could help maintain bone health

Low levels of vitamin B12 in the blood plasma have been linked to less mineral density in the bones of adults. Studies show that the vitamin may affect how bones grow and get stronger. It is also linked to osteoblastic activity (bone formation).

If you don’t get enough vitamin B12, vitamin b12 deficiency could hurt your bones. So, it’s important to keep your stats high. A study of more than 2,500 people who didn’t get enough vitamin B12 found that their bones had less mineral density than usual.

Low vitamin B12 and high homocysteine levels are linked to a higher risk of osteoporosis. Since vitamin B12 has been shown to lower homocysteine levels, we can’t say it doesn’t have any good effects.

  • It could help stop macular degeneration.

Vitamin B12 makes it less likely to get macular degeneration, a condition that worsens your central vision.

Vitamin B12 is an amino acid that is found in plasma. To fully understand the role that vitamin B12 plays in keeping your eyes healthy and preventing macular degeneration, more research is needed.

People with age-related macular degeneration have fewer vitamin B12 in their blood and more homocysteine. Studies have shown that taking a B12 supplement may help lower homocysteine levels. There is also an increased risk when homocysteine levels are higher.

Taking extra B12 could be a way to protect against the disease.

  • Studies show that taking vitamin B12 and antidepressants may help relieve the symptoms of depression.

It’s possible that getting enough vitamin B12 could make it easier to get over depression. There are some signs that vitamin B might also help with emotional health. Scientists don’t fully understand how it works yet, but they think that the vitamin makes the brain make chemicals that make people feel better. There have been rumors that it could help treat stress and other anxiety disorders.

Vitamin B is important for the health of the brain and nerves. It also helps make and control DNA. It also helps make new red blood cells. Vitamin B12 is also important for the metabolism of all cells. It can be used to make new energy and to make fatty acids.

When vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids are taken together, they may slow down adult memory loss. Because vitamin B12 helps cells grow (through a process called methylation), it may help relieve some symptoms of autism spectrum disorder.

  • It Contributes to the Production of Energy

Vitamin B12 helps the body break down food and gives energy to cells. But there isn’t much evidence to back up claims that it can give you more energy or help you do better at sports.

Some say that taking vitamin B12 supplements is the best way to get a quick energy boost. Still, they aren’t always enough to provide energy on their own. The B vitamins make it much easier for the body to make energy.

But one of the most common early signs of not getting enough vitamin B12 is feeling tired or not having enough energy.

  • It helps you sleep better at night

Research shows that a healthy amount of vitamin B12 might help people who have trouble sleeping and waking up. Since this study only looked at two people, we need to do more large-scale research to determine how this vitamin affects sleep. Determine whether it has been thought that not getting enough vitamin B12 could make you sleepy.

Other amazing benefits of vitamin b12 are:

  • It prevents congenital disabilities

Vitamin B12 and other nutrients are very important for pregnant women. If you don’t get enough of this vitamin, you could have trouble getting pregnant or keep losing babies.

The mother’s lack of vitamin B12 may make it harder for the developing fetus to have normal neural tubes. As a result, it can lead to the baby being born early. If the mother’s milk doesn’t have enough vitamin B12, the baby could have the same symptoms as the mother. Still, there needs to be more research into these effects.

Both the mother and the fetus need to make new cells, and vitamin B 12 is essential for this process and for preventing neural tube defects in babies at birth. With the help of folate, it can get the job done. A lack of vitamin B12, which can also lead to a lack of folate, can be bad for a pregnancy.

The vitamin might help with nausea and morning sickness caused by pregnancy.

  • Vitamin B12 may help with depression and improve mood in general.

No one knows how vitamin B 12 changes a person’s mood-regulating neurotransmitter serotonin. On the other hand, serotonin can’t be made or broken down without this vitamin.

So, not enough vitamin B12 can make it harder for serotonin to be made. It could lead to a bout of depression. People who don’t get enough vitamin B 12 can feel less depressed when they take vitamin B12 supplements.

People who are depressed and have low levels of vitamin B12 sometimes take antidepressants with vitamin B 12 tablets. Another study found that not getting enough vitamin B 12 makes the risk of clinical depression double.

  • Vitamin B12 may help your brain by keeping neurons from dying:

A lack of vitamin B12 can cause memory loss, especially in older people. Also, the vitamin may help stop brain atrophy, which is when neurons die off in the brain. And it can cause people to lose their memories or get dementia early.

So, taking this vitamin might help your memory even if you don’t have a problem diagnosed by a doctor. But more to be done before we can say for sure what effect vitamin B12 supplements have on memory and brain function.

  • Helps keep hair, skin, and nails healthy: 

Because vitamin B12 is involved in making cells, it must be in the right amounts to keep hair, skin, and nails healthy.

Inadequate vitamin B12 levels can cause several dermatological complaints. Hyperpigmentation, discoloration of the nails and hair, vitiligo, and angular stomatitis are all possible side effects.

Supplementing with vitamin B12 has been shown to help people who don’t get enough of it. That helps with their skin problems. But if you already eat a healthy, well-balanced diet and don’t need more of this vitamin, taking a supplement may not necessarily help your skin, nails, or hair.

Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause 

Vitamin B12 is important because it helps the body make the nerve and red blood cells and helps the brain work. This vitamin is important, but the body doesn’t make it. We have to get it from food, mostly from animal products, because the body doesn’t make it. Vitamin B 12 is mostly found in meat and dairy products, but vegans still have ways to get enough of it in their diets.

  •  Animals’ kidneys and liver

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 Animals' kidneys and liver

Organ meat, like liver and kidneys, is very healthy because it has a lot of vitamin B 12. For example, one hundred grams of lamb has 3,571 percent DV for vitamin B12, making it a great choice. Beef has a lot of vitamin B 12, so eating it can help you get enough of this nutrient. One grilled steak has 467 percent of the recommended amount of vitamin B 12.

  • Beef

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 beef

Beef is a good source of many vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, B2, and B3.

Choose lean cuts and cook them low-fat to get the most nutrition out of your meat. You could grill or roast instead of frying. Because of this, you’ll likely absorb more vitamin B12.

  •  Tuna

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 beef

Tuna is often eaten by people trying to eat healthily and get the vitamins and minerals they need on a healthy day.

Tuna is a great source of both Omega 3 and vitamin B12. A 100g serving of cooked tuna has about 453% of the daily value for vitamin B12.

One serving of light tuna in water (165 grams) gives you 115% of the daily value.

  • Salmon

salmon for menopause

Tuna is a great way to get a lot of vitamin B12, but salmon is also a great choice. A half filet of cooked salmon (178g) has 208% of the daily value of vitamin B12 in it.

This fatty fish has a lot of health benefits that are hard to beat. This vitamin is found in salmon, a good source of healthy omega-3 fatty acids. One fried salmon Filet can give you more than 200% of your daily vitamin B12 needs (178 grams).

The same size portion can also have 40 grams of protein and 4,123 milligrams of omega-3 fatty acids.

  • Eggs

eggs for menopause

Eggs are flexible and have protein, vitamins B2 and B12, and vitamin B2.

The egg yolk has more vitamins than the egg whites, making it the most nutritious part of an egg. Studies have also shown that the body can better use the vitamins in egg yolks.

About two large eggs, or 100 grams, can give you 46% of your daily value of vitamin B 12.

Eggs are one of the few foods that contain vitamin D all by themselves. From 2 big eggs, you might get 11% of the recommended daily value.

  • Yeast

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 yeast

In the kitchen, You can use nutritional yeast instead of cheese, and as a garnish, it makes many vegan foods taste better and adds to their nutritional value. It’s still not clear how to add nutritional yeast to your diet.

Nutritional yeast is a great source of protein, vitamins, and minerals for vegans because it is often fortified with these things. This way, vitamin B12 is added to nutritional yeast when it wouldn’t be there otherwise.

In just 15g of nutritional yeast, you can find up to 733% of the Daily Value for vitamin B 12.

  • Fortified Soy and Almond Milk 

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 Almond Milk 

Fortified soy and almond milk have up to 86% of the DV for vitamin B12 in just 1 cup, and they taste great, too (240 ml).

  • Veggie Cuts

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 Veggie Cuts

People trying to eat less meat often choose plant-based meats like non-dairy milk. Not all plant-based meat substitutes have the vitamins and minerals you need, so it’s important to do your research before buying one.

  • Grain products with extra vitamins and minerals

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 Cereals vitamins and minerals

Cereals made with extra vitamins and minerals, like vitamin B12, might be good for vegetarians and vegans who don’t eat meat.

Choose a cereal with added vitamin B12 that is low in added sugar and high in fiber to help you get the recommended daily amount.

  • Clams

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 clams

Clams are one of the best food sources of vitamin B12, whether they are cooked or eaten raw on the half shell with a splash of lemon juice. They are a great way to get iron, other B vitamins, and a lot of protein.

Clams provide 120% of the daily value for vitamin B12 with up to 99 mcg per 100 grams.

  • Shiitake mushrooms 

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 Shiitake mushrooms

Vitamin B12 is found in shiitake mushrooms, which can help you lose weight. HealthifyMe says that

This nutrient is found in shiitake mushrooms in large amounts. But you’ll need to eat 50–60 grams of dry mushrooms daily to get enough vitamin B12 for the day.

You might find that mixing mushrooms and other vegetarian options like whey powder and paneer helps you reach your goal.

Dried shiitake mushrooms have 5.6 micrograms of vitamin B 12 per 100 grams, which is the most of any food.

  • Trout

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 Trout

Trout has a lot of good things for your body. A normal filet may have about one day’s worth of vitamin B12. Trout also has a lot of protein, other B vitamins, and minerals.

In a 3.5-ounce (100-gram) piece of trout, there is 7.5 mcg of vitamin B 12, 312% of the DV.

  • Yogurt

Unsweetened Yogurt

A serving of yogurt every day will give you B12, calcium, vitamin D, and good bacteria.

  • Ham

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 ham

You can find all of the B vitamins except folate in ham. Because of this, it has more salt than most other kinds of meat but less fat, calories, and cholesterol.

  • Chicken Breasts

Top 10 Awesome Benefits Of Vitamin B12 + Best B12 Foods To Eat During Menopause Vitamin B12 Chicken Breasts

Chicken is easy to get, doesn’t cost too much, and is easy to cook. This food is a good source of niacin and vitamin B12, two B vitamins that can help lower cholesterol.

The role of vitamin B12 In Your Body

Vitamin B12 is one of the most important B vitamins. It helps keep your nerve cells, brain, and blood in good shape. Vitamin B 12 is also called cobalamin. Vitamin insufficiency happens when the body doesn’t have enough of this nutrient. So, not getting enough vitamin B12 could lead to neurological problems you can’t fix.

Vitamin B12 dissolves well in water like all other B vitamins. Since it dissolves in water, the body can take it in. Because of this, the body stores enough vitamin B12 for a person to last for four years. The body then gets rid of any leftover B12 through urine.

Vitamin B12 is the biggest and most complicated vitamin in size and shape. It comes from some animal products, the only place outside a lab where you can find it.

Consumption Of Vitamin B12

Cobalamin, often known as vitamin B 12, is a water-soluble vitamin essential for healthy brain and nerve function and DNA synthesis. If you have malabsorption issues, you must get your vitamin B12 from outside sources, as your body cannot produce it.

Meat, eggs, poultry, and dairy products are all good sources of vitamin B12. Foods like morning cereals and nutritional yeast fortified with vitamin B 12 are good options for vegans and vegetarians.

However, vitamin B12 deficiency is rising, especially in the elderly, since individuals aren’t getting the RDAs they need from their diets.

Over 3% of persons over 50 have extremely low vitamin B 12 levels, and up to 20% have borderline insufficiency, according to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency And The Development Of Menopausal Symptoms

  1. Deficits in vitamin B12 have been linked to cognitive decline and memory loss in women experiencing perimenopause and postmenopause, according to several studies.

  2. Low B12 levels are associated with low bone mineral density (BMD), which may develop into osteoporosis if not addressed promptly.

  3. Insufficient vitamin B12 can also show up in other ways, such as:

  • Having tingling or numbness in the limbs

  • Fatigue/Weakness

  • Anemia

  • Problems with moving.

  • There is a lot of speculation that not getting enough vitamin B 12 may cause hot flashes.

If you think you aren’t getting enough vitamin B 12, see a doctor immediately because many of the symptoms of vitamin b12 deficiency are the same as those of menopause.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Which fruit has a lot of vitamin B12?

Bananas, oranges, and peaches all have a lot of vitamin B12. They are also a great source of many other vitamins and minerals and can be eaten as a healthy snack any time of the day.

What should I do to get my B12 levels up quickly?

Eat more chicken, fish, and eggs, which are all high in vitamin B12, to get more B12 daily. Low-fat milk, cereal with added vitamins, and yogurt are all good choices for vegetarians.

What are the benefits of vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12 makes DNA and keeps blood and nerve cells healthy. With vitamin B12, you can avoid getting megaloblastic anemia. Also, this can make it less likely that a child or adult will be overweight.

What is the most effective B12 supplement?

You can treat vitamin B 12 deficiency with several medicines. Like any other medicine, You should only take vitamin supplements after talking to a doctor or nurse.

What happens when there isn’t enough B12?

A lack of vitamin B 12 can lead to anemia, which happens when there aren’t enough red blood cells in the body. As a result, your strength may go down, and you may feel more tired. Also, not getting enough vitamin B12 could hurt your nervous system and make it hard for you to remember things and think clearly.

What does it mean if you have too much B12?

Some bad things can happen if you take too much of this vitamin. For example, too many vitamins have been linked to acne and rosacea, a skin condition that causes flushing, redness, and bumps on the face.

When can you tell if you don’t have enough vitamin B12?

Most people feel tired, confused, forgetful, have accidents in the bathroom, and lose their appetite. Anemia can be caused by not getting enough vitamin B12. It can make you tired, short of breath, have a fast or slow heartbeat, has a pale or yellow complexion, have diarrhea, and make it hard to have your periods. It also makes you more likely to get mania, psychosis, or dementia.

What kind of food has a lot of vitamin B12?

Most vegetables have a little bit of Vitamin B 12. But spinach, beets, potatoes, and mushrooms are some vegetables with the most Vitamin B12.

How bad is vitamin B12 deficiency?

A lack of vitamin B 12 can cause serious problems. If the problem isn’t treated, it will get worse over time. It has been linked to anemia, psychosis, dementia, nerve and brain damage, amnesia, and many other mental and physical problems.


Vitamin B 12 is a water-soluble member of the B complex, so that you can get enough of it from meat, fish, and dairy products, among other things. It is safe to eat vitamin B12. Injections of vitamin B 12 are used to treat pernicious anemia and not getting enough vitamin B 12. In general, vitamin B12 poses a lot of benefits to menopausal women.

Some clinics that help people lose weight also include vitamin B12 in their plans. But vitamin B12 injections won’t give you more energy unless you don’t have enough of the vitamin.

Large amounts of vitamin B12 injected into the body are likely safe. Some medicines might not work well if you take them with vitamin B12. If you want to get shots of vitamin B12, you should tell your doctor.

Melissa Carroll
Melissa Carroll

Over the past 25 years, I’ve cultivated my professional skills in healthcare sales and marketing to help healthcare practices provide better care and a more satisfying experience overall. I am a lifelong student of wellness, nutrition and alternative therapies. When I’m not helping providers, you can find me with my children or at our gym helping members reach their wellness goals. My passion is helping people achieve more in their lives. Whether personal or professional, it all comes together for happier living.

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