While many women consider heart disease to be a man’s disease, after the age of 55, it accounts for more than half of all deaths in women. This content was originally published here.
While many women consider heart disease to be a man’s disease, after the age of 55, it accounts for more than half of all deaths in women. This content was originally published here.
Animal proteins, such as meat, eggs, and milk, are complete proteins, meaning they provide all of the essential amino acids our body needs. Animal products provide the highest-quality protein sources. Processed meats include smoked meat, sausage, hot dogs, salami, bacon, and canned meat. Recent research has shown that eating unprocessed and processed red meat has been Read more…
This Women’s Health Month, ADDitude is confronting misdiagnosis, improper treatment, shame, and comorbidity among women, whose ADHD symptoms are still seldom evaluated or addressed adequately. This content was originally published here.
You will understand how to support colleagues who may be peri-menopausal or menopausal and consider the potential impact on their mental health during this time. This content was originally published here.
Reflexology shines as a wellness support tool for folks beginning, in the middle, or winding down their menstruating years. In the U.S. the average age of menarche is 11 and the average […] This content was originally published here.
Dhru takes a deep dive into the topic of hormonal imbalances with Dr. Sara Gottfried, along with what you can do to get them back on track. This content was originally published here.
In This Episode: Catch a glimpse of the different changes that are happening to women, physiologically, mentally, and emotionally, as they enter the pre-menopausal stage and how these changes are… Read More This content was originally published here.
Use it or lose it. Generations of women have been advised to engage in regular or frequent intercourse to avoid sexual pain. New research indicates that this advice is a myth. Studies have found as many as 60% of perimenopausal and postmenopausal women experience pain during intercourse. According to a new study in the Journal Read more…
The Sweet Valley High star talks to the PEOPLE Every Day podcast about her fertility struggles after battling stage IV non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and how her identical twin sister Cynthia came to her aid This content was originally published here.
In This Episode: Dr. Jockers explains why menopausal women struggle more with losing weight compared to younger women. [07:56] These are the most important macros to focus on for healthier… Read More This content was originally published here.