Category: Health & Fitness

Creating Change out of Challenge: Transitioning Through Menopause support group ensures social distancing doesn’t mean emotional isolation

COVID-19 has created challenges for health care professionals as they try to serve their patients while adhering to social distancing guidelines. For Regional One Health’s Transitioning Through Menopause support group, that meant turning to virtual meetings. Certified Menopause Practitioners Diane Todd Pace and Pallavi Khanna made the switch so they could continue to offer support Read more…

Half of All Women Develop Hair Loss After Menopause | WRassman,M.D. BaldingBlog

It is one of the very common problems that women have–hair loss during menopause. It is a really very emotional and disturbing problem for many menopausal women. During this time they will be experiencing hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, insomnia, etc problems. Actually, the ovaries stop working and hormone-secreting also stops making estrogen and Read more…

Menopause Starts Younger Than You Think: Here’s What You Need To Know | Valley Public Radio

Sarah Edrie says she was about 33 when she started to occasionally get a sudden, hot, prickly feeling that radiated into her neck and face, leaving her flushed and breathless. “Sometimes I would sweat. And my heart would race,” she says. The sensations subsided in a few moments, and seemed to meet the criteria for Read more…

Menopause Starts Younger Than You Think: Here’s What You Need To Know | New Hampshire Public Radio

Sarah Edrie says she was about 33 when she started to occasionally get a sudden, hot, prickly feeling that radiated into her neck and face, leaving her flushed and breathless. “Sometimes I would sweat. And my heart would race,” she says. The sensations subsided in a few moments, and seemed to meet the criteria for Read more…

What Can Cause Abdominal and Pelvic Cramps After Menopause? » Scary Symptoms

The onset of abdominal or pelvic cramping after completing menopause can frighten a woman, and certainly, some causes are life-threatening. Cramps in the abdomen, several hours after eating out, that are immediately relieved after having a lot of diarrhea, can confidently be chalked up to the meal – if there is no recurrence of the Read more…

Years Leading up to Menopause Is a Time of Increasing Heart Disease Risk for Women

The years leading up to menopause is a time of increasing risk of heart disease for women. This new information comes from research released by the American Heart Association, which advises maintaining a healthy lifestyle and integrating early intervention strategies for good cardiovascular health. Published in the journal Circulation, the scientific statement finds an increase Read more…

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