Meet Kathryn Colas, author of How to Survive Menopause Without Losing your Mind – healthy, happy woman

Meet Kathryn Colas, author of How to Survive Menopause Without Losing your Mind – healthy, happy woman

This week, I’d like to introduce you to Kathryn Colas, author of How to survive menopause without losing your mind, a topic very close to my heart after running the Hysterectomy Association for 22 years. Kathryn is the founder and chief executive of the women’s advice and support service Simply Hormones, her aim is to empower women with better information and influence policy and practices to improve their daily lives.

What is one thing people wouldn’t usually know about you?

I left school at 16 as a junior stenographer

What did your best review say about your work?

Kathryn’s book is so engaging, it draws you in.

How did you choose a title for your book?

It was the first title I thought of because of the ‘madness’ that I felt going through menopause. I worked with others to look at other titles but we always came back to the original.

Have you ever written naked?

Hahaha! Do my pj’s qualify? Swimming costume by the pool? In bed with my laptop?

Do you have any hints or tips for aspiring writers?

If you don’t know what to write about but have an urge to write, find an independent publisher who can guide you. I knew what I wanted to write about and I had to be ruthless when editing as I do tend to diversify and run off in a different direction.

How do you remain sane whilst writing?

With difficulty! Ask my husband and family. After the final edit right on the deadline and when the book went off for printing, I felt as if I’d been living in a cave for weeks on end. It was such a relief to finish the book and so rewarding to receive my first ‘proof’ copy – a real book. It was heavy, too!
I am scoping out my next book in a more pragmatic fashion – well it seems that way at the moment and I promise not to be working til midnight to meet the deadline.

Are you jealous of other writers?

No! I quote other writers in my own book, even fictional stories provide inspiration for, say, an emotion to write about. I’ve dedicated a whole chapter to all the books I read that informed and educated me for the content of my own book.

Where do you find your inspiration?

Life around me! My specifics are menopause driven and my next book will be aimed at employers and managers to embrace menopause in the workplace. The third book in my trilogy is aimed at men because they always seem to be left out when it comes to women’s health – it’s working title is: Menopause is like a Hurricane.

What was the most important thing you learned at school?

To read! I loved books. I even used to play ‘libraries’ as a kid, setting up each book with a library ticket and a place to stamp the book in and out. Later on I had a brilliant English teacher from whom I learned so much about words and vocabulary. but never thought, in a million years that I would actually write my own book and that it would be part of a trilogy.

The other brilliant thing I learned at school was shorthand and typing – I left school at 16 with a ‘trade’ as a junior stenographer, which has stood me in good stead all of my working life.

Do you have a favourite writing resource to share with my readers and other writers?

As I’m a writer of non-fiction, I don’t really follow the rules of writing. It has been identified that I have a ‘conversational’ style and I know that for my next book aimed at employers and managers about menopause for the workplace, that I’ll have to pull up my academic knickers and be on top form as I’ll be quoting much more from research and stats about my subject matter and for that information I usually go to Google or other sources recommended to me.

If you could commit the perfect murder where would you ‘bury’ the body?

Umm, my daughter and I often have this conversation… She’s fond of reciting a piece from a film, and she tells the story in a most matter-of-fact voice, about chopping up the body and feeding it to the pigs.

how to survive menopause bookWhere can I find out more about Kathryn and her book?

You can find How to Survive Menopause Without Losing your Mind in paperback and Kindle format on her website and Amazon.

You can meet Kathryn on her website here:


These posts are called The Thursday Throng in honour of the throng that waits eagerly outside the book store when a new author is doing a book signing event or appearance. On this website it takes the form of a ‘Meet the Author‘ online event with some information about our author’s latest book and an interview. If you would like to take part in the Thursday Throng then why not visit Thursday Throng Author Interview Guidelines to find

This content was originally published here.

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