
9 Foods that Fight Hot Flashes

Ovarian failure during menopause doesn’t only cause termination in childbearing ability. With ovarian failure, a typical woman becomes vulnerable to various complications that can sometimes be fatal. While menopause is not regarded as a disease, its symptoms have made many women see it as one. Generally, hot flashes are the most common symptoms experienced during Read more…

7 Natural Menopause Treatments that Work

Menopause is the stage that signifies an end to your fertile years. Women usually start menopause in their mid-40s or early 50s. During these years, women pass through the perimenopause stage, characterized by discomfort and painful symptoms. Menopause is not a medical condition but a biological process women pass through at mid ages. However, it Read more…

Impacts of Bisphosphonates in Treatment of Menopausal Women

Bisphosphonates are drugs used to treat osteoporosis and other conditions related to the bone. Bisphosphonates can help menopausal women deal with this common problem owing to the increased risk of menopausal women developing osteoporosis. During menopause, the ovaries cease to produce eggs and, in most cases, hormones. As a woman approaches perimenopause, the functionality of Read more…

10 Ways You Can Easily Deal with Stress During Menopause

As you approach menopause, you’ll experience a whirlwind of menopausal symptoms, affecting your daily routine, diet, sleep patterns, and more. Symptoms like hot flashes, weight gain, chills, etc., will inevitably come during your menopausal phase. However, stress is a symptom that can remain with you even after menopause. According to 2010 research by Apa, women Read more…

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