Vaginal Restoration and Vaginal Rejuvenation Rejuvenate Austin is owned and operated by longtime surgeon Dr. Jessica Wright. Through her years of practice, she understands that not every procedure is well Read more...
Contributed by Certified Members of the Menopause Association
Hepatitis C, also called Hep C, is caused by the hepatitis C virus. It has a big effect on the liver, a very important organ
Ah, menopause is the time in a woman’s life when she can finally look forward to satisfying sexual encounters without becoming pregnant, even without contraceptives.
Menopause is the natural phase of every woman’s life when it becomes practically difficult ( but not impossible ) to get pregnant. During menopause, the
Many women have insomnia and other sleep disturbances during perimenopause and, in rare cases, after menopause. Night sweats, breathing problems when sleeping, and mood swings
Tyrosine is an amino acid named phenylalanine that is converted in the body to form tyrosine, non-essential amino acid. Without tyrosine, your body can’t make
Menopause comes with various symptoms that can sometimes be severe. During menopause, ovarian failure leads to a decline in hormonal levels, the leading cause of
Also known as surgical menopause, hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. In most cases, menopause is natural. In the United States, the average
Lymph, lymph nodes, and lymphatic vessels, are different components of the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is a comprehensive organ system complementary to the immune
Many of us have heard of “high blood pressure.” Some of us even had to check our blood pressure this morning. And most of the
Menopausal women who eat potassium-rich foods are less likely to die from menopausal symptoms than women who do not. Menopausal symptoms can be tough, excruciating,
Ovarian failure during menopause doesn’t only cause termination in childbearing ability. With ovarian failure, a typical woman becomes vulnerable to various complications that can sometimes be fatal. While menopause is not regarded as a disease, its symptoms have made many women see it as one. Generally, hot flashes are the most common symptoms experienced during Read more…
Your breasts will begin to change in size and shape during perimenopause – the years leading up to the cessation of menstruation. Additionally, you may notice that they are tender and achy at random periods. They could also be a little lumpier than they were before. You’ll need to know what’s natural, what isn’t, and Read more…
Menopause is the stage that signifies an end to your fertile years. Women usually start menopause in their mid-40s or early 50s. During these years, women pass through the perimenopause stage, characterized by discomfort and painful symptoms. Menopause is not a medical condition but a biological process women pass through at mid ages. However, it Read more…
As a husband to a menopausal woman, it’s somewhat understandable that you might be completely out of your depth with a partner undergoing menopause. Menopause may seem to you as an undesirable development that cannot be influenced and might even trigger your withdrawal from your partner. However, husbands must remember that women undergoing menopausal transitions Read more…
The thyroid gland produces a hormone – the thyroid hormone, which controls many bodily activities in humans, including burning calories and heartbeats. When the thyroid is diseased, it can make too much or too little of the thyroid hormone, which usually results in hyperactivity or constant tiredness, weight gain, or obvious weight loss – which Read more…
Bisphosphonates are drugs used to treat osteoporosis and other conditions related to the bone. Bisphosphonates can help menopausal women deal with this common problem owing to the increased risk of menopausal women developing osteoporosis. During menopause, the ovaries cease to produce eggs and, in most cases, hormones. As a woman approaches perimenopause, the functionality of Read more…
As you approach menopause, you’ll experience a whirlwind of menopausal symptoms, affecting your daily routine, diet, sleep patterns, and more. Symptoms like hot flashes, weight gain, chills, etc., will inevitably come during your menopausal phase. However, stress is a symptom that can remain with you even after menopause. According to 2010 research by Apa, women Read more…
Hot flashes refer to a sensation often interpreted as heat or hotness in the upper region of the human body. This feeling could last for hours or minutes with symptoms such as dizziness, heart palpitations, redness of the skin, and even sweating. Hot flashes are due to internal thermostat regulations in the body. When the Read more…
If you’re familiar with the signs and symptoms of menopause, you may attribute any sickness or condition you have to menopause. Symptoms, such as hot flashes, nausea, and dizziness, are prevalent during menopause, although not in all cases. Several additional conditions may cause you to suddenly feel dizzy, queasy, or have hot flashes. Instead of Read more…
Menopause is a life-changing stage – almost every body part is affected, including the breast. A few years before menopause, women start to notice visible changes in their breasts. The mammary glands may feel lumpier, tender, and slightly achy sometimes. Many women experience sore breasts when pregnant or days before their menstrual cycle. But in Read more…
Menopause is a period of transition for all women during which a woman’s menstrual cycle shuts down for a year or more. The significance of this period is the end of ovulation and hence reproduction. These changes are known to come with many transitions and some health issues. One of the issues of contentions is Read more…
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The Menopause Association
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Suite 300-1090
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