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Causes Of High Blood Pressure And How To Lower It In Menopause

Many of us have heard of “high blood pressure.” Some of us even had to check our blood pressure this morning. And most of the...

10 Benefits of Potassium That Will Ease Menopausal Symptoms

Menopausal women who eat potassium-rich foods are less likely to die from menopausal symptoms than women who do not. Menopausal symptoms can be tough, excruciating,...

9 Foods that Fight Hot Flashes

Ovarian failure during menopause doesn’t only cause termination in childbearing ability. With ovarian failure, a typical woman becomes vulnerable to various complications that can sometimes...

Why Are My Breasts Getting Bigger After Menopause?

Your breasts will begin to change in size and shape during perimenopause – the years leading up to the cessation of menstruation. Additionally, you may...

7 Natural Menopause Treatments that Work

Menopause is the stage that signifies an end to your fertile years. Women usually start menopause in their mid-40s or early 50s. During these years,...

How Husbands Can Support their Menopausal Wives

As a husband to a menopausal woman, it’s somewhat understandable that you might be completely out of your depth with a partner undergoing menopause. Menopause...

Top 10 Healthy Foods that are Rich in Iodine for Thyroid Support

The thyroid gland produces a hormone – the thyroid hormone, which controls many bodily activities in humans, including burning calories and heartbeats. When the thyroid...

Impacts of Bisphosphonates in Treatment of Menopausal Women

Bisphosphonates are drugs used to treat osteoporosis and other conditions related to the bone. Bisphosphonates can help menopausal women deal with this common problem owing...

10 Ways You Can Easily Deal with Stress During Menopause

As you approach menopause, you’ll experience a whirlwind of menopausal symptoms, affecting your daily routine, diet, sleep patterns, and more. Symptoms like hot flashes, weight...

What Can Cause Hot Flashes Other Than Menopause

Hot flashes refer to a sensation often interpreted as heat or hotness in the upper region of the human body. This feeling could last for...

What Causes Sudden Hot Flashes, Nausea, And Dizziness Other Than Menopause

If you’re familiar with the signs and symptoms of menopause, you may attribute any sickness or condition you have to menopause. Symptoms, such as hot...

Sore Breasts and Menopause Symptoms, Causes, and Treatments

Menopause is a life-changing stage – almost every body part is affected, including the breast. A few years before menopause, women start to notice visible...

Fibroids After Menopause – Hormones, Symptoms And Treatment

Menopause is a period of transition for all women during which a woman’s menstrual cycle shuts down for a year or more. The significance of...

Do Vitamins and Supplements Really Help Relieve Menopausal Symptom

Just like other significant changes in the body, menopause comes with its symptoms. While menopause is a compulsory phase for all women, the symptoms are,...

Bladder Leakage: Address This First

Bladder leakage is often referred to as urinary incontinence. It is simply the involuntary/ accidental discharge of urine. In the United States, studies from the...

15 Foods to Boost cardiovascular Health in Menopause

Menopause is a stage in women characterized by a progressive drop in the level of estrogen, which according to research, is a hormone that offers...

Why Menopausal Women Should Add More Raw Foods To Their Diet

When a woman stops menstruating, usually between the ages of 45 and 55, it is known as menopause. In the years preceding and following menopause,...

Can A Woman Have Orgasm After Menopause

Sex and other sex-linked plays are some major activities in a marriage that keep intimacy in check. And most people are scared of losing this...

7 Weight Loss Obstacles Menopausal Women Face and How To Overcome

It’s not uncommon to see women gain considerable weight during the menopause stage of their lives. As you advance in age, you might find out...

10 Natural Ways to Cope With Anxiety and Depression in Menopause

For many women worldwide, the menopausal transition can be terrifying and turbulent. As periods slowly stop and hormonal fluctuation steps in, you become more vulnerable...

Weight Loss After Menopause – 5 Surprise Foods To Avoid

Menopause is a stage in women where there is no longer production of the female reproductive hormones – estrogen and production. The menopause stage is...

Benefits of Progesterone After Menopause

Menopause is a natural and difficult stage of life. Progesterone or hormone replacement treatment (HRT) can help to alleviate the severe symptoms that hormone changes...

Homeopathic Medicine for Treating Menopause

Homeopathy is an unproven, unorthodox, or pseudoscientific alternative medicine where practitioners (homeopaths) believe that substances causing diseases in healthy people can help sick people experiencing...

Does Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Work For Menopause

Your body is a complex structure with many components working together to ensure optimal survival. Of these components, hormones help to coordinate specific functions and...

High Blood Pressure in Menopausal Women – Causes and Remedy

Millions of people worldwide suffer from hypertension, one of the most common chronic disorders for men and women over 50. It is the most prevalent...

How Naturopathic Medicine Can Help In Menopause

Menopause comes with symptoms that could be very discomforting to menopausal women. While you can manage many menopausal symptoms, many women still suffer from them...

How Menopausal Women Can Increase Beneficial Testosterone

When people hear the word “testosterone,” the mind often drifts to masculinity and everything relating to men. Many people (mostly men) do not know that...

Memory Loss And Menopause – Everything You Need To Know

Memory loss is the unusual forgetfulness of events for some time. Memory loss is often caused by brain injury, heavy consumption of alcohol or drugs,...

Menopause and Osteoporosis: Everything You Need to Know

Osteoporosis is a common symptom of aging; every living person will experience osteoporosis as they grow older. However, menopause acts as a catalyst for osteoporosis...

How to Reduce Cardiovascular Health Risk During Menopause

Defining the link between menopause and cardiovascular disease. Since time immemorial, menopausal symptoms have made menopause difficult for many women. On getting to menopause, the...

20 Tips That Will Help Every Woman Ease Menopausal Symptoms

Menopausal symptoms can be very hectic and difficult to handle. Today, more women are going into menopause, and the symptoms aren’t going away. In the...

Sugar And Menopause – Why You Should Reduce Sugar Intake

Menopause is a delicate phase of every woman’s life. During menopause, the body goes through a series of changes capable of altering your lifestyle and...

Alcohol And Menopause -The Effects On Menopausal Symptoms

Alcohol is one more substance in the food supply that gives energy (7 kcal per gram), Even though there is some discussion among health experts...

Are Probiotics Effective for Menopause

The human body is a very complex structure. In the body, many complex cells and organs interact to make the body whole. While I still...

Menopause and Panic Attacks: Is There A Connection?

Most often, panic attacks are caused by traumatic events, emotional stress, and excessive consumption of caffeinated products and alcohol. In recent times, however, women in...

Menopause Fatigue – Causes and Treatments

Menopause is a natural cessation of menstruation due to a depletion of the egg follicles. A drop in estrogen levels accompanies it. The uterus no...

Benefits Walking Has on Menopausal Symptoms

As women approach menopause, a lot of their body hormones would naturally decrease; majorly estrogen and progesterone. Many experts recommend hormonal supplements, but doing something...

Do Flaxseeds Improve Menopausal Symptoms

The myths flaxseeds, the facts, and how everything adds up One thing I have always enjoyed doing is sharing my experiences and trying to help...

How Menopausal Women Can Deal With Leptin Resistance

As women approach menopause, they gradually start to experience several menopausal symptoms. Some popular symptoms include hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, and reduced metabolism....

Signs and Symptoms of Menopause

The biological system of a woman is phenomenal. From the onset, every stage is timely, especially during the secondary developmental stages. At birth, the reproductive...

How to Relieve Anxiety During Menopause

Do you experience mood swings, hot flashes, or restless nights during menopause? These are common symptoms of anxiety experienced by most midlife women. According to...

How Menopausal Hormone Therapy Curbs Nocturia by Improving Sleep

How often do you wake up at night to urinate? Never or only once? If you’ve reached menopause, that number can be much higher due...

Non-hormone Replacement Therapy for Menopause

Coping with menopause can entail adopting a healthy lifestyle that includes non-hormonal remedies for symptoms such as hot flashes. Everyone goes through menopause uniquely, and...

Is My Irregular Periods In My 40s Perimenopause or Something Else

It all started in the summer of last year. July, to be precise. Kimberly and I were on our way to work. We grabbed coffee,...

Ten Pelvic Exercises for Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is the unconscious and involuntary discharge of urine. It simply means that an individual urinates when they do not intend to. While you...

Menopausal Hormone Therapy and Risk of Incidental Hypertension

Due to the symptoms such as hypertension, hot flashes, weight loss/gain e.t.c that are associated with menopause, various treatment options have been made available to...

Can Menopause Cause Candida Infection?

Reaching the age of menopause is a milestone worth celebrating as an aging woman. You would undergo bodily changes during and after the period and...

Asthma And Menopause – Any Connection?

As a woman, your reproductive years refer to the phase of life where you can be pregnant if you have sex. This phase begins when...

Spirulina For Menopause – Everything You Need To Know

I remember vividly this time seven years ago when I started experiencing signs of menopause. I was overwhelmed! The symptoms came all too sudden and...

How Acupuncture Can Improve Menopause Symptoms

Menopause comes with detrimental symptoms capable of jeopardizing specific aspects of a woman’s life. No need to panic, though; we can handle it…right? You may...

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